Chapter 25

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Arriving at the house Selena looks at her face in her cell phone camera as they cruise slowly down the driveway. "I don't want Kya to see how bad I look. What if I scare her?"

"As someone that has kept things hidden that maybe shouldn't have been hidden, I think you should let her see your face as it is. Bruises and all. She can handle it. And she will probably handle his death a lot better knowing how much he wanted to hurt you."

Selena is silent for a moment, "I was planning to ask you some things about that. There just hasn't been a right time yet. I want to hear your side of what happened and why. But I think right now isn't the right time either. Will you tell me when I do ask?"

He stops the truck in front of the house, "I will. And though you didn't request it, I will tell you the truth."

"Thanks Dad." She reaches over and gives his hand a squeeze before turning to get out of the truck. They walk in the door, Selena stepping gingerly because her stomach is very tender from the kick and every move she makes seems to radiate from there.

The two walk into the library where everyone is waiting anxiously for their arrival. Selena heads directly toward her mother and Kya. Kya is sleeping peacefully tucked into her grandmother's lap. Selena gets to them and using the nearby table to help her, she kneels down on the floor. Luna waits for Selena to be settled and the expression of pain to ease on her face before she wakes Kya, "Little one, your mama is here." Kya's eyes open slowly, she moves her gaze to find Selena. She finds her and sees darkening bruises forming on both sides of her face, crazy hair from the wind and the fight, "Oh mama, he hurt you so much." Selena starts to smile, winces, and smiles through the pain anyway. "It's ok baby, it will heal up soon enough. I am just so glad you are home. Can I have a hug sweet girl?" Kya's leans forward and hugs her mom so gently, Selena holds her tight and then remembers Bath and Zethes. She lets go of Kya and struggles to get to her feet. Dwayne steps over and offers his arm which she accepts gratefully. Once she is up, she releases his arm and walks over to Bath and Zethes at the fireplace.

"Gabriel is dead and I am so sorry. He wouldn't let it go any other way. Can you ever forgive me?"

Bath hugs her, "Oh child, we knew this would be the way of it. I have always known his life would be shorter than I hoped. He had so many opportunities to change his stars and he always chose not to. We feel lucky that we still get to share in yours and Kya's lives. Don't feel a moment of sorrow for us, ok? We know there was no other way."

Selena cries on Bath's shoulder, causing Bath and everyone else in the room to cry or tear up a little. When everyone is recovered Apophis breaks the silence, "There is one detail we must handle. I didn't leave Gabriel's body lying there on the pavement because it would attract attention and questions. There are no marks on him and I made it look like he was bitten by a snake. If you will allow it Bath, Zethes, I would like to have him put out in the woods as if he had gone camping, got snakebite and fell into a ravine. There is no need in my mind for anyone to think ill of him in death."

Bath wipes her eyes, exchanges a look with Zethes, "We would like that very much. Thank you Apophis."

He clears his throat of all those pesky emotions, "Well then, I will have it done. You will need to report him missing in a few days. Someone will need to handle the girlfriend as well..." Hayden pops up out of her chair, "We can take care of that. She will remember that he left to go camping a few days ago and none of the rest of this." Linnette nods in agreement, "Yeah. We will get that done in a bit at the house. Speaking of which, we are going to take our daughter and go home. We are exhausted."

"Everyone is welcome to stay the night here. I have plenty of rooms and food, a whole barbecue's worth of food languishing."

Linnette looks looks at Hayden and shrugs, "Ok, we are good with that. Save us a drive for tonight. What room? We are so tired. Come to think of it, we will do the spell in the morning."

"Let me call Tim in here, he will get anyone that wants a room settled in."

Everyone decides to stay, including Luna and Samara. They are given the rooms next to Selena's on the right while Dwayne and Nathan get the room on the left. Linnette, Hayden, and Aspen take the room to the left of Dwayne. Tim leads them to their spaces for the night and gets a list of any needs they might wish sent up.

Selena and Kya hug Apophis and then they too begin the long trek up the stairs to Selena's room. Left alone, Apophis walks to his office, pours himself a drink and stares out the window.

Selena Rose, Daughter of the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now