Mystery past

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Mystery POV

"GOD! That hurt like hell..!" She yelled while being thrown into a concrete wall. "Well... that's what you get for being weak and mosty making a fool out of me!" Yelled Thorn also known as Mystery's brother.
"I almost forgot...your not eating today nor leaving the house because if you do you'll regret it."Said Thorn while leaving the basement and locking the door.
"Well this sucks...but I still love you..."
Mystery said before passing out from the cold and being thrown into a wall.

_____________The next day______________

"G-god, he cracked my god damn skull.."
Mystery whispered to herself while touching the crack in her skull,she gets up and slowly walks to the stairs to leave the cold and dark basement but when she climbed up...the door was locked.."W-wait, T-Thorn.. let me out...I promise ill help with work or anything! J-just let me out..." Mystery said in fear, she hoped that her brother would let her out but he didn't come to help she yelled and cried in that dark and cold place

"THORN PLEASE LET ME OUT!" She yelled and begged to be let out but he didn't listen...minutes become hours and hours became days but one day she had it and used magic to break the door down since teleporting didn't help much..and she ran and ran but at her surprise she made it to the castle of the underground were the king also known as asgore... she teleported into the castle and walked around and she found a room... she was curious...and she saw a bright color or 3 bright colors it was 3 human souls... she grabbed one and she didn't absorb it like normal monsters do so she grabbed them and teleported out of the castle...

"H-hey...thorn..! Its not what it l-looks like.." Mystery says while shuddering from the memorys and fear of being thrown into that room that teleportation didn't work...

"Oh...Hi Mystery I see that you left... the I came to bring you back...!"Thorn said while walking but you can tell that he's trying to sound calm..but you can hear and feel the anger he's hiding...before I knew it I was back at that hell hole but this time...

"What.. did I say about leaving!! You are WEAK all you do is ANNOY ME...I.HATE.YOU..."That was all I heard before getting betten and was bloody...then.."P-PLEASE STOP I-I hurts..."*CRACK* That sound haunts me the sound of my eye socket getting cracked and it hurt...the pain was unbearable... when he left... I was is a puddle of blood....When the door shut I started laughing while crying...I couldn't stop the bloody cold concrete floor was the last thing I saw...before passing out...

_________The very next day_____________

"W-wait were are the human souls?" Mystery asked herself before seeing one of the souls in her skull(kinda like fresh) and a soul behind her ribs.

"O-ow..!"Mystery yelped from the pain when she touched the giant crack she had in her eye socket.

*Mystery uses check on herself*
2/5 hp

"Thats all I needed to see...he left me with 2 hp...out of my 5 hp, I guess he really hates me...!"Mystery yelled to herself before getting up from her puddle of blood and walks up the cold concrete stairs to the door..she tried to teleport out but failed so she threw her little body against the thick wooden door till she got out and when she did she walked through the snow leaving a little trail of blood till she got to the woods were she saw a summer leaf in the snow? She decided to pick it up and cover the left side of her face were her cracked eye socket is and she keeps it there so she continues walking to get a headache and she felt a slight pain and when she touched her head she felt vines and she didn't care enough to check it out.

Mystery teleported but it wasn't like any other time...before she knew it she was in another place and it took a few minutes before she noticed that she's was in another au but somthing was odd about this place it was nice and there wasn't any killing or monsters killing eachother.

"HELLO NEW FRIEND!!" Yelled a voice from behind me. "Oh, um hello!"I said in a worried and confused manner.
"Are you Allright?!"said the voice in a worried manner."y-yea I think I'm okay?!"I said kinda shaky
"Maybe I can take you yo my friend he knows healing magic!"The voice said
"Oh-um that would be nice, and if you don't mind me asking whats your name?"I asked the voice or the skeleton infront of me."Oh how rude of me im the magnificent Blueberry!"Blueberry said in a exited manner "Oh nice to meet you im Mystery!"



Well this was some nice angst well for me and poor Mystery but this isn't the end of her!

875 words

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