
599 13 3

Post Hogwarts

❏  Out of the two, Ron is the early riser, and is forcing Blaise out of bed

❏  Blaise is just always cold so he's either cuddling with Ron, wearing many layers of sweaters or just Ron's hoodie

❏ Ron is taller than Blaise by only a few inches (Ron is 6′3 and Blaise is 5′9)

❏ Ron is the more open type and likes to socialize whilst Blaise is completely the opposite preferring to socialize less

❏ Ron gets flustered really easily in public but is more flirty when it's just Blaise and him

❏ Blaise is pretty sarcastic and snarky but a softie with Ron

❏ When they were at Hogwarts Blaise was constantly flirting with Ron and then the tables turned and Ron's the flirt now, but Blaise knows how to embarrass Ron

❏ Sometimes Blaise would fall asleep on Ron when they're on the couch, and Ron ends up carrying Blaise back to their bedroom

❏ When Ron falls asleep on the couch Blaise just nudges Ron so he is slightly awake to make Ron stand up a bit easier and he leads Ron to bed

❏ When they both end up falling asleep on the couch Ron is ends up unconsciously bringing Blaise closer to him

❏ Ron and Blaise live in the smallest Zabini Manor because Ron got really intimidated by the size of the other Zabini manors

❏ Ron is the one who cooks everything as Blaise was banned from cooking after burning down one of their kitchens

❏ They aren't officially married yet as at the time (2004) it's still illegal for the same sex to marry

❏ On certain days the couple would just sit silently on their porch watching it rain

❏ Blaise is the one who kills the spiders but is scared of ladybugs

❏ Blaise is a little bit of a perfectionist which often gets a bit out of hand

❏ They both suffered through some type of trauma in the war and still do (it's gotten a bit better)

❏ When the other has a nightmare they're quick to wake them up and hold them

❏ Ron used to work at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes before Harry suggested being an Auror with him

❏ Blaise works at St. Mungos as a Healer

❏ The couple doesn't actually need to work because Blaise's family is rich 


𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now