moans| part 2

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Okay before I start this I want all of you to thank MinourMineta for giving me ideas for part 2

Noya's POV:

It's been going on for 9 rounds now Asahi still isn't letting me cum he already came nine times but he's still not letting me. Its starting to hurt now I can't take it anymore. Every time I said Im cumming either he stops thrusting or he put his finger on my slit which prevents me from cumming.

It hurts, it hurts so badly, I can't take it anymore...
"A-asahi ple... ahh-hh~ I-I can't t-t-take it any......more~" I begged

"Oh~ look who is begging~ But~ You still can't we have one last round to go~"

Now I can't take it it's to much pain and I can't think straight anymore, my eyes are closing..
The last think I heard before closing my eyes was Asahi calling my name.

Asahi's POV:
It's been 9 round I didn't let him cum he begged but still no
I'm still keep thrusting in him hitting his prostate every time
I was near my edge when I saw Noya's moan were becaming slow
I didn't mind it because I thought he was just tired
But after some time his moans stopped I looked at him, his eyes were trying not to totally shutdown
I called for him in very soft tone "noya..." with that he went to sleep...

I have cum by now but noya didn't then I noticed his orgasms were dried out I felt a little bad

I take myself out of him slowly
I carried him to the shower, I wash him and myself, clean the bed, put him on the bed making sure not to wake him up. Then I lied besides him and said "Sorry noya" and went to sleep while cuddling him..

Next Morning***

The Pov of all the fangirls who were watching them 😈😈

Noya wake up in the arms of his Soft Big Teddy Bear 
He looked at him with a big smile on his face, he started to slowly walk down the bed but failed
He fall with a loud thub which make Asahi jump...
He looked down to find a noya sitting on his butt with a pout on his face he sighed and pick him up and went to the bathroom they clean and went to the dinning to eat. Asahi make the breakfast for both of them, both of them eat, after that Asahi picked Noya up and went to the hall,they sit on the sofa and started to watch a random movie. None of them have any online class for that week.

When they were watching the movie Noya suddenly said "Sorry for today, I shouldnt have disturbed you"
"Awww ok no problem but make sure you don't do that again.
And I'm sorry too"

Noya "Forgiven" he said with a wide grin

They both cuddle and for the rest of the movie

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