Chapter One

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Huda lazily rose her eyelid as slowly as she could. She stretch then groan and fix her eyes on the person in front of her. A beautiful smile grace up her face as she gaze at the person laying in next to her.

Her days are filled with happiness whenever she start her mornings with the beautiful face of her handsome baby.

She moved closer to him and place a kiss on his forehead, which made him to flinch and turn to the other side. She then drag the comforter covering him more.

Hopping down the bed, she pick her robe and tied it around her body, then walk to the toilet.

She felt so happy and light headed which reary happens. Walking back to her vanity mirror, she pick up an elastic band and tie her hair before she walk out of the room smiling.

As soon as she reaches the foot of the stairs, she stop dead on her track as her smiles suddenly disappear when her gaze caught the glimpse of two people that mean everything to her in this world.

Holding the banister to support herself, she start contemplating whether to go back to her room or not, cause she sure knows what will happened if their gazes meet. She swallow a huge lump gazing at the floor, before she raise her gaze again and this time around it directly landed on the woman seated on the dinning table taking small sip of her tea.

Huda sighed in defend as she slowly raise her left leg and move, not because she wants to, but because she doesn't have a choice.

"Good morning Mummy..." Huda greeted as she face her Mother, but the look that her Mum send her way is what made her to quickly transfer her gaze to her Father.

"Good Morning Daddy..." She greeted to what her Dad raise his gaze from the documents in front of him and set it on her. He access her appearance before he turn his head to his work while simply nodding his head.

Huda swallow a huge lump, she will never get use to their indifferent attitude, It's been Six years already but every morning she wake up feeling and hoping that she will find the parents that once loved and cared for her.

She walk her way majestically to the kitchen and pick a mug while exchanging greetings with the cook, then she prepare her tea, before she walks back to the dinning dragging a chair to sit down as far away from them as possible while taking a sip of her tea her eyes on the fried potatoes and plantain that was still on her father's plate which confirm her suspicious as to what they had for breakfast.

"Maleek's family gathering is in two days you know that right....?" Daddy said removing the document from his face then kept it aside and pick his mug.

Huda's whole body stiffen with the mention of the family gathering. Before, she looks forward to the family gathering but now is what she despise the most in her whole life.

"I am not attending..." She deadpan which made her Father to gaze at her under his glasses at the same time she earn a glare from her Mum who was still too busy with her phone.

"I am not asking you..." Daddy said in a fatherly tone. "I commanding you too..."

Huda tighten her grip on her cup already regretting why she came down this morning. "You know am not welcome there..." She whined.

You can feel the desperation in her voice as she looks at her father, hoping that he will not force her to go.

"That's the more reason you should go..." He said again in a calm tone which only made Huda more desperate. He hasn't done that to her for a long time, she wonders why he is doing this now.

She opened her mouth when her Mum suddenly cut her with "I kinda totally agree with her on this..." Her voice emotionless as always as she faces Dad.

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