Chapter Fourteen

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Yusuf opened the door to his room and stride inside without bothering to switch on the light.

He slumped on his bed with a little sigh, and absolutely exhausted. Lying on his back, he close his eyes thinking how did his day took a turn of 360.

"Yusuf..." A voice called from the door which just made Yusuf to turn to his left, backing the door at the same time the room brighten up.

"Where have you being all day..." His mother's angry voice demanded.

He sighed again then snapped his eyes opened. He already knew this would happened, but he was hoping she be asleep by the time he got back.

"Hi Mami..." He blurt out with he smile on his face while turning to face her completely.

"I asked you a question..." She continue in a stern voice still standing by the switch. "Is Saturday and am sure you where not at the hospital."

Yusuf took a deep breath as he stood up, he knew she already knew where he was cause the news of him being with Huda and her son can never be hiding.

"Work...I have some patient to check on..."

"Don't you dare play dumb with me..." She snaps again in rage, taking Yusuf completely by surprise.

Yusuf just went back and slumps at the edge of the bed then set his gaze on his mother. "I was at Maleek's school and am sure everyone knew that already..."

"And why where you there in the first place..." Now came his mothers worried voice as she stride towards him.

"Do you even realize what that means?" She asked, her voice becoming softer then trails with. "You know your Father will be furious once he found out".

Yusuf snort unintentionally which made his mother agitated again. "I talking to you damn it..." She yells now as he smack him by the shoulder.

"Stay away from Huda and her son..."

"Why?" Yusuf asked in a straight voice setting his gaze on his Mother whom immediately became speechless by Yusuf's question.

It took a moment for her to recover before she continue with. "Of course you know why. Huda has a son and she is not a nice person at all and you hanging around with her and her son will just create..."

"For all we know I could be his Father..." Yusuf blurt out without thinking twice. And that did it cause that same moment he watch his Mother slumps to the floor in front of him looking absolutely scared.

Yusuf sighed again while nodding his head then also bend in front of his Mother, holding her arms. "Relax..." He mumbles.

"Am not his Father..." He didn't get to finish as his Mother send her hand flying on his back.

"Ouccch...." He yelp in pains and not trying to stop her at all.

"Don't you ever joke about something like that in your life..." She rants in anger as she push him aside standing up.

"And if you don't want to see me die, stay away from Huda and her son. There are a lot of girls from the Maleek's family whom I will be glad to accept but absolutely not Huda..." She rants before she turn and storm out of the room.

Yusuf sighed again as he slumps and sat on the carpeted floor. If she knew how Huda just look at him in the eyes and ask him to never appear in their life again and of course after handling him back his phone, she wouldn't bothering telling him to not see her again.

But to him all that is not a problem, what he is really concern is why he is feeling bad about it. The day was good, in fact, perfect. He enjoyed playing with her son and seeing her smile, but she telling him to stay away from their life before she got into her car and after making sure that her son is out of ear shot is absolutely confusing to him. Which is driving him crazy.

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