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It's scary what a smile can hide

Naruko's POV:

I walked down the busy streets alone. Cars zooming past me, blinding light flashing in my face. Night has fallen, girls with their friends in skimpy outfits heading to a club that they are far to young for. But will get in because they either slipped the bouncer a tip or seduced him. Men walked down the streets poorly dressed, some in alleyways fighting each other. I rolled my eyes. Dumb men always having to prove their masculinity.  Couples leaned up against walls making out, or walking hand in hand with large smiles on their faces. Idiots love is purely a illusion.

I sighed shoving my hands into my pockets. Why do i even bother. I could literally dive under water and never resurface and and not die. I would slit my throat and still be alive. I could lose all my blood and still have a heart beat.  I'm alone so its not like I need to keep up an appearance. Making people think I'm normal. I'm far from normal.

Sighing again I make my way back to my apartment. Or well I would have if not for running into someone. I looked up and saw a male with pale lavender eyes, long dark brown hair.

"Tch, watch were your going" his hands were on my shoulders steadying me. I rolled my eyes and shrugged his hands off.

"Neji, Neji Huyga" rolling my eyes again I walk away. 'What not going to tell me your name!' Neji called out. I stopped walking. Not turning around i responded 'Naruko, Naruko Uzumaki - Namikaze' i don't know why i gave him my real name. Right now my name is Leena No last name. A lonely orphan traveling the world. I walked away.

I was almost to my apartment when I was suddenly pulled into a alleyway. I gasped as I was pushed against the wall. Great here we go again I thought. So annoying. Don't these people get it. i've had 1000 years to train, they can fucking take advantage of me. Then again I guess I can't blame them for not knowing. After all I still appear to be 19. Which technically i guess i am, but nope I'm 1019 years old. Sadly.

I brought my knee up and kneed the male in his nuts, he let go of me in favor of his manhood.

"Next time you want to fuck a person make sure its with someone you like" i punch the male in his face and then kick him in the gut. He groaned out in pain now in a ball on thr cold hard cement. 'And never, every lay a hand on me or anyone else without consent again' i kicked him again before walking away.

Sighing for the umpteenth time today i walked into my apartment. It's not really a apartment more like a abandoned apartment complex that i live in. So it's free and I don't have to get a job to maintain it. Not that it matters. I've tried living in actual apartments before. People tend to break in and try things with me. For awhile they were able to succeed because i had no training. After a year or two i was fed up with being used against my will, always struggling, uselessly fighting against a group if men.

I walked into the bedroom laying down of the bed. Despite the fact that this is a shitty place i at least have proper furniture. My stomach growled but I ignored it, not like I need to eat. Why did I have to piss off the damned witch. Rolling my eyes again I rolled onto my side and fell asleep.

Neji's POV:

I was left in a daze after the female said her name and walked away. She had the most beautiful bight blue eyes, knee length vibrant red hair, she had soft features.. I stood there watching as she walked away, her long red moving elegantly as the wind blew it. She's different. Hmm.. I wonder is she's another one of us... I shake my head. There can't possibly be more, we already have them all. Right?

Sighing I turned back around and made my way back to the organization.

~ 30 minutes later ~

"Hey where have you been?" I rolled my eyes. Ino stood infront of me with a questioning look.

"I was out on a walk, what else would I be doing" my voice was cold and clearly made her give up her interrogation.

"Whatever, Tsunade needs you in here office" she crossed her arms as I furrowed my brows.

"What for?" Last i knew i didn't do anything to get myself in trouble.

" I guess they found another one of us and we need to find them soon" I scoffed and made my way to Tsunade's office. I wonder, could she be? I shook my head.. No that's just wishful thinking.

I stood in front of Tsunade's office taking a deep breath before knocking twice. I waited for the muffled 'come in' before entering. I walked in and stood in front of Tsunade.

"I assume Ino told you why I called you here?" She raised a brow, her arms were folded on her desk, her long dirty blond hair in two low ponytails resting on her back. I nodded; sighing she continued 'We have located another ine of us' she took a deep breath.

"This one is important and I'll be joining the mission of retrieving her. Heres here photo" I frowned a little confused. Why the hell would she join? I walked over and grabbed the photo

 Why the hell would she join? I walked over and grabbed the photo

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I immediately recognized the female. My jaw dropped and Tsunade raise a questioning brow.

"Naruko Uzumaki - Namikaze, I met her earlier today" I handed her the photo still shocked. I didn't listen to anything else she said, I simply just walked away trying to wrap my head around the fact that she's really one of us.

Then again, why should it be shocking? I'm a immortal so why does it matter that she's immortal?

Naruko's POV:

Tears stream down my face as I tried to kick the male on top of me, only to be stoped by two other males holding my arms and legs down.

Chocked out begging could be heard, but that only encouraged the sick twisted males.

I shot up from bed gasping for air. I put a hand to my forehead rubbing it slightly.

"That again? Really.. That was forever ago I don't know why that still comes back" I mumbled to my self, i look out the window to see it's still dark out.

Sighing i get out of bed and and grab new clothes. I put on a black strapless bra and a cropped short jacket which I left open, i put on some white shorts that ended right after mt ass, I out on some dark red high heeled boots that when up to my middle thigh.

Sighing I brushed my haired and stepped out into the chilled air. The streets where close to empty. A few people hurriedly walking to their cars as to escape the cold, while others made their way to wherever they were going. The sidewalk slightly illuminated by dim street lamps and car lights. I made my way to the park and sit down on one of the benches.

"Naruko Uzumaki I need you to come with me" I whipped my head to look behind me to look at who was speaking.  I squinted trying to get a better look at the person. It was definitely a male, he had long hair the looked to go about mid back, I couldn't really make out much. Have I met him before..

"Sorry I don't follow random guys that ask me to"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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