Chapter 2: Blank Slate

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She turned the water on in the bathroom and tiptoed back into the bedroom. She fished the envelope out of the bag and confirmed that it was sealed. She gingerly lifted one of the nightstands, as quietly as she could, and placed the envelope underneath. She made sure the dents in the carpet were completely realigned when she set the nightstand down again.

She then stripped her dirty clothes off and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water rinse over her.

She started crying almost immediately. Seeing Alex had almost done it to her, but seeing Ben—it had taken everything she had to hold it in. He seemed well—though she knew that the news of the tumor would be weighing on him.

She let the tears fall as she scrubbed the dirt and blood away, and by the time she was done showering, she had cried enough to pull herself together. She wiped the steam from the mirror and looked at her reflection.

I look like shit.

It was mostly exhaustion. Her eyes were wearied with grief and sleeplessness. She had lost a great deal, and she had given up a lot to get here. And dealing with a cantankerous Ben was not the reward she had been hoping for. But she'd expected that he would be unkind and distrustful, at least for a while. She had known she would have to steel herself against that.

She brushed out her long dark hair and stepped back into the bedroom, wrapped in a towel. Her clothes were filthy. She crept towards the door and pressed her ear against it.


"Are you standing right outside, Linus?"

She heard a muffled cough.

"Could you get me some of your daughter's clothes please? Mine are covered in blood and swamp musk."

There was no answer.

"If you don't, I'm just going to wear yours. And I don't think your briefs are really going to fit me very well."

She heard him ambling off down the hallway, and she grinned to herself.

He knocked, and she opened the door a crack, snatching the clothes from his hands.

"Thanks," she said, and promptly closed the door again.

When she was dressed, she made her way back to the kitchen and sat back down in the seat Alpert had dropped her in.

Ben reappeared, surprised to see her.

"Can you make me a coffee?"

He stared at her blankly.


He wordlessly started a pot.

"Eight scoops for the full pot," she instructed.

"I know."

"You don't usually make the full pot."

"I know."

"Can you get the chocolate powder for me?" she asked.

"Get it yourself," he snapped back

"It's in the cupboard above the fridge behind the extra coffee filters, and I can't reach it."

"You need to stop it with these parlor tricks," he said slowly, handing her the DHARMA issue chocolate powder.

"Is that what they are?"

"You're not a psychic."

"I never said I was. I just have a lot of information. And I retain it well."

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