🌹Chapter 1🌹

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Y/n' s pov

I'm Y/n Schaepkens. I'm 14 year old girl with a big dream. I'm an MMer from when I was 11 years old. I'm the biggest fan of Marcus and Martinus. I have all things from their collection. I'm listening to them from when they began. I heard them on tv when they won MPG jr. They just stole my heart. I'm listening to their music all the time, all 4 years. Soon, I'll be 15, just like them. But I'm still 1 year younger. But I don't care. I always had a crush on Marcus. He is just so sweet and a good dancer. Just like Martinus. But he's special. So, I'm dancing from my 5 years of age and I decided to learn Norwegian and go on auditions one day. That was my dream! But they'll never come true... I'm the best dancer at my dance school. I won a lot of competitions and I really love dancing. I'm also doing choreographies on Marcus and Martinus' songs. Bur my choreographies are not the best. I mean they're not bad but I'm not the best choreographer. But I love to make them! And also learning. Anyway, let's take a look at my way to Norway.

*In the airport in Slovenia*

Y/n: Bye mom. I'll miss you.
Mom: You think that's a good idea? I mean Norway is a lot of countries away from here. And you have Ella with you. You'll have to take care of her.
Y/n: I'll be alright. And taking care of her... No problem!
Mom: I already called Leyla. You'll live with her.
Y/n: Thank you. We have to go now.
Ella: I'll miss you, mom.
Mom: Me too. Good luck on your way.
Y/n: Bye. Thanks.

Ella' s pov

My sister y/n is crazy! She wants to go to another country, too far from here! Without anyone! We're alone on this long way! Just to go on auditions. Auditions! We have auditions too, here in Slovenia. Why she didn’t go on auditions here?! We'll live with our aunt, but I don't remember her. I saw her like 6 times in my life. Y/n really likes her. Leyla is like her best friend. And our mum, Layla is her twin sister. We'll go to school in Norway. I don't know the Norwegian language very well. But she will talk in Norway.

Y/n: Ella. Wake up. We're here.
Ella: I'm awake.
Y/n: Let's take our bags.

*Y/n and Ella go to Leyla's*

Y/n: Leyla!
Leyla: Hi y/n! Hi Ella! *hugs y/n*
Y/n: Auditions are tomorrow!
Leyla: Yes I know! You have to be ready!
Y/n: It's 5 pm. I'll go into my room and prepare for tomorrow. I need to practice and find clothes for auditions.
Leyla: Ok. *looks at Ella* Do you want to see a house?
Ella: Yes!

*Auditions day*

Y/n' s pov

I'm so excited! It's a day which can change my life! But there's a lot of good dancers. I'm not sure if I'm good for them. I mean they're so awesome singers and I wish the best to them. I don't know anyone here. Everyone has 1 on more friend and everyone are from here. Just I'm not. But I don't care. I'm pretty good at making friendships. I'm so excited to meet them!

*Y/n is walking to auditions. She bumped in one girl named Emily. She has two girls behind her. Their names are Melissa and Amelia.*

Emily: *angry* Hey watch out!
Y/n: I'm sorry I didn't mean to-
Emily: Ugh.
Y/n: You can watch where are you walking too.
Emily: *angry* I'm sorry what did you just say?
Y/n: I'm not the only one who bumped. You bumped in me too.
Emily: *evil laugh* Oh I'm sorry. The little queen needs a place. Everyone needs to do right what she says.
Y/n: I didn't say that.
Emily: *comes closer and says with angry voice* Watch how you talk to me. I think you don't know who I am. You better find out. *She leaves*
Y/n: *by herself* Ok what was that? Who is she?

*Y/n comes into the studio. She needs to get a number like every dancer.*

Coach: What's your name? You need to get a number.
Y/n: Y/n Schaepkens.
Coach: The new girl huh? It's a long way behind you.
Y/n: Yes. But it was worth it.
Coach: I agree. You're such an awesome dancer.
Y/n: How do you know?
Coach: I'm in all competitions. I saw you a lot of times.
Y/n: *happy* Really?!
Coach: Yes. If Marcus and Martinus will choose you, they will have the best dancer in their team.
Y/n: You think I'm good for them?
Coach: Of course!
Y/n: Thank you!
Coach: Here's your number. 0014.
Y/n: Thank you.
Coach: Wait in the studio. Every dancer needs to dance in a pair. Your pair has the number 0024. You have to sit with her.
Y/n: Ok. Thank you. *goes in the studio* *to herself* Number 0024... There she is!
Y/n: *comes to a girl* Hi. I'm Y/n Schaepkens. I think we'll practice together today. Nice to meet you.
Lorenna: Hi. I'm Lorenna Anøs. Nice to meet you too.
Y/n: Are you from here? Your surname doesn't sound like Norwegian's.
Y/n: No. I'm from Slovenia.
Lorenna: Really? I was there one year ago!
Y/n: Seriously??
Lorenna: Yes! I love this country so much! I love the sea and mountains and natural-
Y/n: That's so great! So you came to audition?
Lorenna: Yes. My mum signed me in. But I don't dance very well.
Y/n: I'm sure you dance so good.
Lorenna: I don't think so. I-

*Coach comes in*

Coach: Welcome everyone! Today we will choose who will become the next dancer on the M&M team!


Coach: We have just 1 free place. You'll need to teach 1 choreography on the song Elektrisk. But first, let's meet the most important persons on the team... Marcus and Martinus!

*They come in. Everyone is screaming*

Marcus: Hi everyone!
Martinus: How are you?!
Everyone: Great!
Marcus: So today we'll choose who will be our dancer for next years.
Martinus: And of course will be on tours with us.
Marcus: So let's started!
Coach: Ok! So you'll work in pairs. You need to practice the choreography. The best one, will go to the finals. So be prepared because it will be the best experience in your life!
Marcus: So let's started!
Coach: I'll teach you the choreography, then you'll have half an hour to practice it.

*You go practicing*

Y/n: That was awesome!
Lorenna: Yes! We can do it!
Y/n: Ok so let's started!

*Y/n and Lorenna go practicing*

Y/n: Ok I think we're ready! *to herself* She doesn't dance very well. Poor Lorenna. She won't win. Well, I think.
Coach: Number 0024 and 0014 you're next.
Y/n: Good luck.
Lorenna: Thanks. You too.

*Y/n and Lorenna go on a stage*

Marcus: The stage is yours.

*Y/n and Lorenna start dancing. They finish.*

Martinus: That was so good girls.
Marcus: You did it very well.
Martinus: So how long are you dancing?
Y/n: I'm dancing from my 5 th year of age. I won a lot of competitions.
Marcus: Wow that's nice. And you Lorenna?
Lorenna: I'm dancing just for fun. *sadly* I wasn't in any competition.
Coach: We'll make a decision. We'll call you when we'll know which of you will go to the finals.
Y/n: Thank you.

*Y/n and Lorenna go down*
*Skip the conversation*

Coach: Y/n, Lorenna. You can come now.

*They go with him*

Marcus: So we decided to keep one girl in our team.
Martinus: One of you will have a chance to win.
Marcus: Y/n... You...

*Y/n is scared*

Martinus: You are...

*To be continued...*
Is Y/n accepted or illuminated?
Will she has a chance to be in their team?
What will happen between her and Emily?
Who Emily is?
Leave a star💞
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@marcusandmartinus_.slovenia 🤍
@anja.paternes 🦋

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