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I'm Nicole, here I am 18 years old.. wow where did the time go? Lets take a look back from the beginning shall we?

May 2nd, 2002-

I lovely healthy baby was born, brought into this world without knowing fear or pain.

I was happy, my mother told me the day she remembers me showing fear for the first time.

November 18th, 2002- My father isn't much of a father in my eyes, on this day at 6 months old my mother was holding me, a crying little baby,  and my father had been shitfaced drunk for the first time since my birth. He couldn't stand my crying so he screamed at my mother.. who was just trying her hardest. She was basically a single parent.

He got so fed up that she couldn't get me to stop crying that he threw me and her into the kitchen table, breaking it . My mother tried to protect me as much as she could but she has described to me that, on that day the look in my eyes was the day my happiness left.

After that day, he said he'd get help... He never did.

Things were ok for a few months..

But again he went back to the bottle, 

December 2002- 

My father had been drinking for days and fighting with my mother, till eventually he grabbed me, and took off with a loaded gun. Calling my mother and threatening to shoot me then himself. 

The police got called, they blocked the road after an hour of them chasing us through rural Kentucky, that night was the most action our small town had seen. 

He had money though, so he got off for drunk driving, threatening to kill an infant, and unsafe display with a firearm with.. drum roll please. Anger management classes.

Which he got kicked out of, for get this.. being too angry.

My mother tried her best to protect me and my brother at this point just trying not to upset him.

 She doesn't talk about much between these events, and since I don't remember them, we'll fast forward.

December 15th, 2005-  This day has changed a lot of things in life for me.

It was 4am after a cold front had hit, my mother was taking me to daycare so she could go to work for the day. Along came a sharp turn right by my dads friends house.. We slid, right off the mountain side. The car rolled and rolled, eventually stopping. We were upside down, balancing over a ledge to another drop off below us. I remember trying to yell for my mom.. all I saw was broken glass and my mother dangling above me. Then I passed out. I woke up in an ambulance, looking over at my unconscious mom. The ambulance driver gave me a bear, it was tie dye and had bells inside of it to keep me conscious. While it kept me awake I still couldn't stop crying for my mom to wake up, to say something, to look at me... but she didn't. I was put again, I woke up in the hospital to the doctor tickling me to make me smile, It gets fuzzy from there. That day my seat belt on my car seat had saved my life. It wrapped around my neck almost breaking it, but I would have flung out of the car and died if I didn't have it on. I left the hospital with a neck brace, a black eye, and a splintered rib. My mother ended up with broken glass all in her and I remember she had a piece in her eye that they couldn't remove. They had to let her body push it out on its own.. She doesn't talk much about that day, But I found out what had happened later on in life.

You know how my fathers friends house was right there? Well my dad was convinced my mother was seeing someone else, so his friend and him poured oil on the road the night before creating black ice over the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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