The Real Story: The Rise of Yandere Stacy

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~After School~

   I knew what I had to do, but how? I have never killed anyone before. Not that I know of. Well I should be doing homework, I don’t want to get a bad grade then kill Zander, that would be pathetic. After I finish my homework I will make a plan, a plan about how I will get rid of Zander and make up a story and heck, why not blame it on someone else while I’m at it. No I got to stop these thoughts only think about my math homework, then I will plan.

*sighs of relief* “Finally done with homework, time for the plan,” I say very excited.

“Hmm well first I should plan where, how, and when to kill him then I’ll plan the rest. Yeah that sounds nice.”

   I sat down at my desk writing on a piece of paper “How to get my Senpai back”. Now I sat there thinking and thinking over and over again. But nothing came to my mind on how to kill Zander. Then I got a text from Zander. Strange. I never gave him my phone number. He then texted “hey, Luke gave me ur phone number”. I had a strange feeling and asked “why did he give it to you” right back. “Because I have something to tell you” he texted right back at me. “What do you want to tell me then hm'' I replied. He then replied, “I have a feeling, just a feeling, a bad one, about you.” I then went into panic mode. Did he know what I was doing? If so, how? I needed answers so I replied with, “What do you mean and why about me?” “I know you like Luke, I was there when you told him.” he replied and I got scared and a bit angry? I then started typing but then I got another text from him saying, “And before you say anything else I just wanted to say I also saw you crying on your knees in the hallways mumbling something about me and Luke that i didn't understand, but then I heard April screaming” I nearly dropped my phone by how shocked I was. Did he hear me say I was going to get rid of him? Did he hear something, anything, everything? I was shaking while I was typing and replied with, “W-what are you talking about? Were y-you spying on me?” He then replied with “End of discussion,” I was so scared and shocked I didn’t know what to do. At. All. I stood there more frozen than ever. I almost fell to the ground when I had a thought. That I had to get rid of him. Now. But it was too late at night to think of anything. But I had to think of something right now. If I don’t he might tell Luke and my plan would fail. And I wouldn’t be with Luke. But then it occurred to me Luke wouldn’t believe Zander, that I, a sweet innocent cute girl, was going to ruin their “relationship”. I felt a bit better thinking that so I went to sleep.

~In the Morning~

   I got up from bed and kept thinking about Zander and his texts, and Luke. I didn’t want to think more of it so I got changed. While I was putting on my shoes I was thinking about how I was going to kill Zander. Like will I poison him, stab him, shoot him or let him starve? Hmm well letting him starve would mean I would have to kidnap him and not feed him at all, but I don’t have anywhere to put him so letting him starve is out of the plan, plus Luke would probably notice. ~While I was walking to school I got a text from Luke saying, “Hi, Zander probably texted you yesterday I need to talk about it with you. Nothing bad.” I knew Luke was a nice guy and wouldn’t do anything so I replied with, “Ok. Talk to you later.” ~At school, the bell rang for lunch. Finally half way through the school day. While I was walking to the cafeteria I felt someone grab my arm, I looked over and it was Luke. I can feel my face start blushing.

“Hey, sorry if I startled you. Is it ok if we talk right now,” he said as his beautiful eyes sparkled.

“N-no it's ok you didn't scare me. Yea it’s fine if we can t-talk right now,” I say as I stutter.

“Phew I was hoping you’d say yes. Come this way,”

“So what did you want to tell me, Luke?”

“Well actually I was hoping you’d tell me. What did Zander text you about? He never told me, said it was nothing.”

“Oh. Um well if you want you can look at the text.” But right after I said it I regretted it immediately. What if he yes and sees that Zander said he saw me crying and heard April scream?

“Is it that bad? Do you not want to talk about it? I’m sorry,” Luke said ever so sweet. I was relieved.

“Oh no it's fine he didn't do any harm I just thought you would maybe think I was lying.”

“Oh Stacy, it's fine. Just tell me,” he said, almost relieved he wasn't hurting my feelings or making me feel worse. I decided to tell him the truth instead of a lie but I did leave out the part of me crying and April screaming. After a while he said he was so sorry and I said it was fine but he insisted on inviting me over for pizza at Gacha John’s since he knew pizza was my favorite food so I said yes. But after I agreed he said not to tell Zander, I was confused but said I wouldn’t. ~When I got home I got a text from Luke saying he forgot to tell me to meet at Gacha John’s at 5 pm. I replied saying that I’ll be there. So I got ready since we would meet up in 30 minutes.

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