back to the present we go!

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Chapter 1: back to the present we go!

The girls were at kaede's village preparing for a trip to see master Jyubei the corpse dealer, they wanted to know if there was any new bounties available or new news on the dream butterfly, he had no information to give the girls at the moment, bounties were as dry as the bone eater's well

Moroha was disappointed that nobody needed a demon slayed or nothing, she threw her normal moroha tantrums rolling on the floor, crying and biting her robe of the fire-rat, pounding the ground with her fists

Setsuna put her Kanemitsu no Tomoe in front of moroha to stop her from going into a full Moroha episode of fits that things weren't going her way

" Moroha you can not throw a fit if things aren't going your way, you have to accept the way of the world and thats that."

Towa was looking at her smart phone that setsuna tried to destroy the other day with her Kanemitsu no Tomoe, she wanted to visit the present for a bit to be with her family she hadn't seen in a while, to be honest she was feeling kinda homesick even though she was born in the feudal era like setsuna and moroha were, the modern day era was still her home

She just sighed leaning against the wall in Jyubei's hut

"Moroha she is right. Stop acting like a child already and act like the teenager you are. You are fourteen years old, START ACTING LIKE IT."

Setsuna was shocked at Towa's behavior and her mood, she walked up to her pointing

Kanemitsu no Tomoe at her sister even though she found towa annoying, pitiful, not useful. She glared at Towa suspiciously

"Alright what have you done with Towa? Towa looks for hope and light and is very happy. What demon took possession of your body?"

This was the first time Towa wasn't acting like her normal self and snapped at Setsuna for the first time

"What's it to you? It's not like you acknowledge my presence or that we are sisters, If you are looking for a fight be my guest Setsuna. Even though we "share" same demon father and whoever our human mother is, i--"

She got up and left Jyubei's hut and walked around in a daze, not really a daze but in a personal rage of her own, she always felt like she didn't fit in the feudal era even though she was born there but raised in the modern day era by kagome's family

She hopped into the nearest tree much like her uncle inuyasha and sat on a branch collecting her thoughts

"What's gotten into me lately? I have never snapped at Setsuna before, why should I even start now? Maybe I should apologize to her, I know she wouldn't accept it anyways. Wait-- why should i apologize in the first place?

She finds my presence annoying, she doesn't find me useful, always says i am getting in the way of her living her life, maybe she was better off without me butting in. Should I give up finding the dream butterfly and leave this era for good?

She does have moroha so they can be fine without me. How do I even return to the modern day era when the root head was defeated... I have to find a way back to the modern day era like to


Setsuna and Moroha were still in Jyubei's hut just confused as hell as to why towa stormed out with such anger, they knew something was up with her and they agreed silently to find out what it was

Moroha looked over at Setsuna with a sheepish look

" Do you have any idea what's gotten into your sister? She has never acted like this before, this behavior of hers is new to me. What made her go to the dark side?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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