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I was there to watch him grow up.

I was there to witness everything, his first game when he made new friends, his arguments his fights.

When he needed someone to talk to I would be there, maybe he didn't think much of me, that I don't know.

I didn't always talk much yet he understood my silent language, and he didn't care or push me to the side for it. He always pushed me to do something new, and I tried to.

I did it for him.

I did it to see that smile on his face when he would spike the ball, or the determination when he couldn't do certain things.

And he would be there for me, even if it was to stay up at ridiculous hours in the night just trying to beat a stupid game level.

He didn't judge me for the things I liked, he didn't even comment on it.

"Whatever you want to do I'll do too."

He would always say, and he would always encourage me when I was raged over something.

He didn't think I was observant but I was.

I noticed when he was worried about me and would always check up on me, I liked that more than I would admit.

I noticed when he was frustrated over English homework and would always stop whatever I was doing to help him.

I noticed when people would comment on how silent I was but he would always stick up for me. Although I told him not to.

I noticed when he was upset about losing a game and would always try to practice with him.

I noticed when I fell in love with him.

But he could never love someone like me.

I don't even think he was into men.

I was there when he got his first girlfriend, she was tall and thin. She had blond hair then ran to her shoulders with fair skin. She didn't notice me very much or more like she didn't like me, but I didn't seem to care.

I didn't want her to like me, I wanted him to.

I was there when he went through his first heartbreak.

When he barged into my room unannounced in tears.

Explaining that the girl had cheated on him.

I was mad. But all I could do was comfort him.

There are other fishes in the sea they say.

Hey hey hey I'm one!

But he could never like someone like me, someone who barely spoke or even cared to make friends.

He was all I needed, I came to him with everything.

I did make one friend although, not on purpose, but he still clung to me eventually rubbing off.

The orange-haired male knew about my likings for Kuroo.

He'd always ask why I wouldn't just tell him.

"Because I'm afraid he won't love me too"

And it's true I am afraid, our years of friendship tumbling down over a stupid crush.

The thought of being alone again lingered in my mind, although I seemed like the person who wouldn't stand it that much,

I would be alone and also heartbroken.

Something that I didn't want.

I was there to see the smile on his face when he got a full-ride scholarship to some prestigious university. I gave him the biggest hug, telling him how proud I was. I knew how hard he worked to get into it

On the sidelines||Kuroken One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now