{Chapter One}

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{trigger warning: self harm, alcohol, swearing, eating disorder}

• L O C K E D U P •

The sweet hum of the birds could be heard just from outside the window. Light blue curtains flowing in the wind as the beams of light
crept through the small space. It lit up the dark room. A tower of bottles piled in one corner of the room, some broken and glass shards spread out around the room. The grey carpet stained with the disgusting stench of alcohol. The grey colour of the carpet faded and blended with the ugly brownish colour of the toxic drink.

A passed out drunk, wearing a blue hoodie and his hair ruffled and messy, laid sprawled out on the bed. One arm hanging off the bed. In his hand, he loosely held onto a half empty bottle of Smirnoff.

But what stood out the most in the mess of the room was the blade of the knife that sat on the bed side table. The silver shinning in the light of the sun, yet tainted with old, dark dried up blood.

The brunette let out a groan, in pain from his hangover. He sat up, rubbing his forehand with the palm of his hand.
"Fuck..." he muttered under his breath, tightly holding the bottle of Smirnoff. Tom held up the bottle, chugging whatever was left of it before tossing it to the corner to the pile. The bottles making a clash ting noise.

He got off his bed and stumbled to his bathroom, holding onto the edge of the sinks counter top to keep himself standing. Staring at himself in the cracked mirror.

He was a mess.

Dark bags underneath his pitch black eyes. Pale skin. Thin body structure. The stench of alcohol stained him. The sleeves of his blue hoodie, tainted dark red. Bandages on his hands up to his arms, poorly wrapped. And stained with crimson.

He groaned and grumbled, pulling off the gross blue hoodie and dropped it onto the floor. Clearly you could see the outline of his ribs through his skin, and more poorly wrapped bandages covered his stomach area. Stained crimson red as well.

Red. The colour reminded him of a certain someone. His life long rival. Tord. He hated the name, the face and the colour the bastard claimed as his. He wanted nothing to do with that backstabbing, lying asshole.

Hitting his hand on his forehead, trying to get rid of his thoughts. Clear his head. Tom didn't want to think of him. The reason why he relapsed, but way worse.

~ ~ ~

After having an hour long shower, cleaning himself up and changing his bandages. He put on his favourite ADSF shirt, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a pair of checkered shoes. Tom didn't want to be cooped up inside today, so he chose to go for a walk. To get some fresh air and some sunlight. It could do him some good with how pale he looked, he was almost ghost like.

Though he couldn't go outside with his arms looking like this. He looked thoroughly through his draws, trying to find one of his blue hoodies. Feeling the soft fabric in his hands, he pulled it out from underneath his other shirts and hoodies. Red. Tords old red hoodie. How did he get this again?

Right. Edd. Before Edd and Matt left Tom on his own, Edd had given Tom this red hoodie. As neither of the two wanted it and didn't want it to be lost, they gave it to Tom. When he was drunk of course. Otherwise the alcoholic would've started yelling and probably would have tried to burn it along with the apartment if Tom were to be sober. So Edd managed to sneak it into his apartment and hide it somewhere. At the very bottom of his draws.

He looked through his draws again, trying to find anything else. Nothing. He had to wear the stupid red hoodie. Whatever. It didn't matter. It was only a small walk anyways. Not the end of the world, again. Plus the red helped hide his arms and stomach in case they bled.

Tom put on the red hoodie anyways. Instantly smelling the faint scent of smoke. As the stupid bastard was always seen smoking a cigarette. Grabbing his phone, wallet and keys before he left. Making sure to lock his apartment door before heading out. Once leaving the building, his feet took him to a park nearby. He zoned out, already knowing the way there and ignoring the stares from strangers. Letting his feet mindlessly take him to his destination. Tom was quite use to the all the stares, because of his unique eyes. That is mostly why people stare anyways. Its not every day you see someone with pitch black holes for eyes or as pale as a ghost.

The park was a lovely sight to see. Kids running around. Parents chatting away together. Birds singing. Everyone seemed... happy. It disgusted the brunette. Being happy only brought him pain and misery afterwards. There was no point in being happy for a while if it only brings back pain and misery every time.

~ ~ ~

"Target in sight. We're closing in, sir" A man spoke into his walkie talkie. Two men sat on a park bench in disguise. They watched as the man wearing red walked past them in the park. The two looked at each other and nodded. Already knowing what they were suppose to do. The pair of men stood up and followed the brunette. They held hands to look like a couple, casually just passing through the park. But they had other ideas in mind.

Tom was headed on his way home when suddenly he was pushed into an alleyway and shoved onto the ground.
"Ow- what the fuck?!" He growled as he looked up to the two men. He thought they were just a lovely couple!

"Calm down Thomas." One spoke as he took off his hat and fake moustache. His big eyebrows was his most prominent feature. "We're only following orders. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way."

"DO NOT CALL ME THOMAS!!" He yelled, getting back on his feet and swinging a fist towards the man. The other man held Toms fist in his hand, catching it before he could hit Paul.

"Hard way it is." Pat muttered unhappily. He grabbed Toms wrist harshly, pulling him forward and punching him in the stomach. Then proceeded to kick him down.

Paul got out a dart gun, pointing it at Tom and shot. It got him right in his exposed neck. Tom started to feel light headed, more then usual. Before he knew it he was passed out on the floor of a dirty alleyway.

"Target acquired, sir. We'll be back shortly." Paul spoke into the walkie talkie once again.

Pat picked up Tom with ease. "Holy shit, he's light." He said, astonished by how much he weighed.

"Yeah yeah, lets just get back before the boss gets mad about how long we're taking." Paul grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets. Paul went to the van that was parked on the other side of the alleyway. Pat followed behind, carrying Tom with him. They headed back to the base in the van.

~ ~ ~

"Where are we suppose to put him again?" Pat asked as the pair walked down the hallways, trying to figure out which room.

"The big white one, the one specific for this kind of animal." Paul responded. Once they found the room, they dumped the drunk onto a mattress in a huge white room. They made sure to lock all ten locks on the door before leaving.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hey guys!! Its been almost two years but I'm back!! I'll be continuing and re writing my old storys onto this account. Even the stories I haven't published yet.
Its nice to be back :)
I love writing, even though my writing isn't that good, its a good way for me to vent out my feelings through characters I enjoy writing about -3-

Anyways this is it for now, I hope you like it :D
Byyyyyyeeee <33
{art by me}

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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