chapter 17

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Kaminari shuffled into the kitchen with a blanket draped over him for warmth looking for a certain lilac haired male. Instead of finding his target he finds a note placed neatly on the counter with a blueberry bagel and a cup of orange juice.

'Hey Denki, sorry I'm not there, but I needed to run some errands. We desperately needed more milk,'

Kaminari's heart gave a small flutter at the word 'we'.

'I left you something small to eat, but if you don't like it please feel free to make anything you want with what we've got. Anyways, make sure to clean up if you make a mess so the house doesn't fall into chaos, and don't let anyone in. I shouldn't be long but if something goes wrong call the cops on the home phone in the living room.'

Kaminari smiled before breaking into a loud yawn. He grabbed the food, figuring it would be rude to not eat it, and sat at one of the counter stools. After a few minutes of nibbling at the food he was joined by Anba, who stalked into the kitchen and hopped onto the counter to keep the blond company.

Not too long after Kami was sitting, sipping on orange juice when Shinso strode in with a few bags from various stores hooked on his arms.

''Hey Denki, Anba, let me get the last couple bags in and we can get this all put away, k?''

''Hey Hitoshi, y-yeah thats fine,'' Kaminari stuttered out in response, setting his cup down on the counter.

Once all the bags were in both men started to put everything away. Since he was still getting used to the layout, Kami needed some directions from Shinso to figure out where everything went.

''Oh! Y-you got strawberry pocky? And a whole lot of it too! Do you like it?''

''I'm not personally a fan of it, to sweet for me, but I remember you saying you liked strawberry things. I also got some other stuff you said you liked to snack on so you could have food around that you liked,'' Shinso said flatly, wedging yet another bag of coffee beans into the cupboard.

''O-oh, thank you! That's really nice of you man. So how did errands go?''

''They went well, thank you for asking. However, I was able to call in and scheduled an appointment for you with my doctor for some blood work and a general wellness checkup. And before you panic, I know you said you don't want to talk to your family. I worked it out and they won't contact them. We will get their phone numbes and can call when we feel ready,'' Shinso explained while putting the last of the stuff away, before turning to his companion.

Kaminari was slightly trembling while wringing his hands together, ''Are you sure it's ok? They wont be able to find me?'' His voice was quiet and audibly nervous.

''Positive. They'll get your medical records once they find them and give them to us without notifying your relatives since you aren't a minor and we can contact them if we want and if we don't want to then we won't have to. And if anything goes south I'm here to help, okay? You seem nervous, would you like a hug?'' He said tentatively. Instead of a response the blond fell into his arms and held tight to his waist, tremoring on his feet.

''Thank you Hitoshi. It means so much that you care about me like this. Even if it means nothing to you and its just a good dead to clear your conscious, you are helping me so much,'' Kaminari whispered before a small sob wracked his slim frame.

Shinso wrapped his arms around him tight and rubbed between his shoulder blades gently,'' Your welcome Denki. I want you to know that this isn't just a good deed, and I do genuinely care for you. We don't know each other well yet but I hope that we get to know each other while you get better.''


well that was short. i swear im so sorry that i never write long chapters. and that they are so infrequent. im trying but life keeps giving me one kick in the tits after the other.

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