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"Hey suna wait up!", suna turned around to meet the person calling for him. "oh hey semi, what's up?"he asked the grinning tall boy beside him. "oh, i was just wondering if you were planning on coming to atsumu's party tonight, i heard there's supposedly gonna be some cute chicks there!", he exclaimed happily. suna rolled his eyes playfully. "yeah whatever i'll be there." "yay see ya later man!" semi slung his arm around sunas side, giving him a tight side squeeze before running off down the school hallway. suna let out a sigh and his cheeks heated a little from embarrassment. he began to walk down the hallway, soon finding his classroom.

"hey suna, wake up schools over in less than five minutes." suna slowly lifted his head from his desk to see a boy squatting down in front of him. he had blonde hair that flowed naturally to the side, and a dark brown undercut. suna blushed when he realized it was atsumu. suna had had a small crush on his classmate for a little while now. atsumu met his eyes with a smile. "oh, thanks i should probably get my stuff packed up then." suna says quickly while getting his belongings together. his binder dropped to the floor with a thud, and all his papers flew out everywhere. the whole class looked back at him and he scrambled to the floor lightly bumping his head with atsumu's. he looked up, meeting the boys brown gaze. his face flushed even more with embarrassment. the blonde boy rushed to gather his papers. "no, really it's fine, y-you don't have too- "shhh sunarin." atsumu whispers, opening sunas binder time put his papers back clipped inside. suna gasps in surprise of the name atsumu had said. the bell rang and everyone excited through the door leaving the room empty with just suna and atsumu. "i - uhh thank you." suna mumbled standing up. "yah, sure it's nothin!"

suna opened the front door slipping his shoes off before yelling "I'm home!!" "hey, sweetie, how was your day at school?", his mom asked. she was sitting at the kitchen table. Suna scoffed and slung his bag down on the stairs. "it was okay i guess. hey, atsumus having a party tonight. can i go?" "of course, i'm happy to see you're going out. have fun." suna smiles warmly at his mom before running up the stairs and into his room. he plopped down on his bed and pulled out his phone

A text from atsumu appeared and suna blushed lightly before clicking it.

"so you're coming tonight? i hope to see you there. it's at my place here's the address, come in an hour or so."

suna smiled before realizing how dumb he must look smiling down at the screen. he sighed before replying. after he finished, he hurried to the bathroom to fix his hair and put on some deodorant. He opened his closet searching through the piles upon piles of clothes on the floor for something to wear. After finding a white collared shirt he put a black sweatshirt to go over it. he pulled the collar up straightening it up. Then he paired some dark grey baggy jeans to go with it. Slipping on his rings and chain he slipped on his vans at the fire yelling a goodbye to his mom and began his ten minute walk to Atsumus house.

The boy had lives a few blocks away but, Suna had only been there once, which he never got to go inside. Suna mentally prepared himself as he nervously knocked on the boys front door. After standing here for a few minutes he looked down at his phone and dramatically slapped his hand across his mouth, (a habit he did quite often) noticing he was 15 minutes early. He backed away from the door panicking when the door swung open.

Atsumu stook his head out the door and smiled warmly at suna. "Yay! you made it! come on in." Suna nodded looking away trying to hide the blush that crept up onto his face.

Inside there were people all around. It was dark but there were flashing led lights and a few hallway lights turned on so not completely. People were dancing and drinking and having fun. Suna lost Atsumu in the crowd at decided he was thirsty and wanted something to drink.

He weaved his way through people. He saw the drink table and sighed in relief as he reached out for a water cup. He looked up when he realized someone's hand was already on that cup.

It was a boy. A tall boy around Sunas height he had gray hair and blue grey eyes. The boy looked emotionless and simply reached out to get a different cup. "Uh, sorry.", Suna breathed out. The boy looked at him and nodded shrugging. "No big deal.", the grey haired boy said. "Say, you wanna get out of here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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