Chapter 9: Training

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Gina put on one of her new dresses. It was plain and made with thin material for the summer which helped her not to get so desperately hot. She was very thankful for the garments she had been given, and she hummed contentedly as she put them on.

What an interesting few days, she thought to herself. There is so much more to Ro than I ever knew or expected. I had no idea that Amryn could become so passionate. And I certainly feel something deep in my heart for Quill.

With a start, Gina realized she had thought of Ro as a friend instead of just a teammate. The girls had bonded when Ro shared her past and took her to the lake. Now Gina felt more prepared than ever to face the shadow creature. Although, she wasn't sure she would feel that way in a few more hours. Vienn's training wore her out and made certain that she doubted her abilities.

It wasn't that Gina was unfit. She had worked long and hard hours under Miss Karina. But exercising with the nanogenes seemed to take a lot more out of her- though it steadily got better as they went along through the months.

It's like building up a muscle, Gina thought. At first, it aches, then it evens out until it eventually is strong enough to do what you need.

She certainly felt stronger internally than she had ever felt before. Here she had a say in what she could and couldn't do, and she had something far more important as well; her friends.

Gina walked through the great room in the center of the Manor and continued to the training area. It had soft mats filled with straw and down that eased blows to the ground. Which happened often in Gina and Amryn's case.

Gina entered the training room and stood up straighter. Vienn was already there, his tall body in a man's working clothes.

"Welcome Gina," he said with a pleasant smile. "How are... you and Ro? Is she alright?"

Gina nodded quickly.

"She and I made up. We're on better terms."

Gina couldn't talk about what Ro had shared with her to anyone else, so she prepared herself for the barrage of questions she was sure to get from Quill and Amryn about how she and Ro had become so close in so short a time- especially after the fight.

Quill came into the room next. He came to stand beside her.

He whispered in Gina's ear, "How are you and Ro? What happened back in your room?"

His expression changed when he looked at her face. "You look happy... something good must have happened." He paused. "Can you tell me, or is it between you and Ro?"

Thank you, Quill, she thought. You always understand.

"It's something private that's just between her and me," Gina wished she could explain what had happened, but Ro reaching out wasn't something it seemed like a good thing to start talking about. Friends kept secrets. Friends watched each other's backs.

"I can tell you that she and I are so much closer now," Gina told him, a smile brightening her face. "I feel like we could be allies and companions. I don't have to fight with her anymore."

"Wow," he said, quirking a brow in humor. "I think I need to schedule a near-death experience with Ro. It sounds like it does wonders for relationships with her. " The lopsided grin that spread on his face was so silly.

Gina's smile widened. Quill's teasing always could lift her spirits.

Vienn's voice interrupted their bantering.

"That's everyone. Let us begin the training."

Gina looked around, surprised. Ro and Amryn had evidently snuck in while Gina and Quill were talking.

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