Arc 2 Avoidance Character 10: Kidnapped

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Hello, Kittens!

Arc 2 has officially begun, I hope you enjoy, and don't worry.

Karma's a bitch and they hit back hard, 1-A is going to get what's coming to them. Even if some of them deserve it less than others.


[7 Days Before Transfer]

Izuku had a week left in 1-A. Seven whole days before he gets to fully escape from the suffocating atmosphere that is his class, rather than perpetuating the temporary escapism he participates in when he goes to his brother's dorm, hides away in his room, or sneaks out to do some extra training.

Speaking of training, Izuku hasn't even been keeping up with his normal routine because of all of the bullshit life had decided to pull. He needs to get back into his normal routine soon, otherwise he'll be back to breaking his bones every other second.

Recovery Girl will actually murder him if that happens. He doesn't want to face her wrath.. again.

Grabbing some gym clothes, his water bottle, and a duffel bag Izuku made his way out of his room, hoping no one from his class would run into him.

Unfortunately it was 3PM on a Saturday so the chances of him running into one of his classmates were extremely high.

Either way, it was worth it in the end, when he by some miracle made it out of his class dormitory unscathed. No one had even played him a glance as he scurried out the door, all of them to entranced at what they were doing.

A sigh of relief left the tri-colored boy as he beginning to jog towards the training gyms.

It took him around fifteen minutes to reach the student gyms, the 1-A doorms being some of the doorms farthest from the main building where the gyms were attached to.

Going inside and quick making his way over to the locker room the freckled boy let out a grunt when he ran into someone, both of them falling back.

"Sorry!" Izuku said, a hint of worry in his tone, "I didn't mean to.." trailing off as he realizes who it was he ran into, annoyance gripping him.

"It's alright." Tokoyami said getting up from where he fell, Dark Shadow coming out and helping Izuku up, much to the surprise of the shorter boy.

Sure not all of his classmates were terrible people that only cared about themselves, but he also couldn't be to sure about who he could trust.

He thought he could trust Uraraka and Iida because they were friendly and seemed like good people, but was wrong. 

Uraraka only really cared about getting money, she doesn't care who she steps on or how many people she hurts, she puts up an act to make it seem like she does, but it's a lie.

Iida only care about appearances. He doesn't want to ruin his family's reputation and that bleeds into who he interacts with and how he interacts with them. He made nice with Todoroki because of him also coming from a hero family. Momo because her family had status and wealth. Uraraka because  of her "personality" and the fact she could be used as a charity case.

But even still, Tokoyami and his friends had never done anything, "Uh.. Thanks, Dark Shadow." Izuku said, acknowledging the sentient quirk.

Dark Shadow puffed out his chest happily. He was pleased at being acknowledged, not many people thought of him as something other than a quirk.

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