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Ciaran's POV:

I cannot believe that Rowan wants me. It is almost too good to believe, so I am scared to let myself fall for him. But, the attraction is there and he sought me out and claimed he was in awe of me.


He told me I was perfect, that he admired me... gods, how can this be?!

Rowan has fallen asleep, and I believe he is taking a much needed nap. The stress of expressing his feelings seems to have worn him out, but I need some air so I can clear my head.

I write a note and leave it on his desk before I head to the stables to borrow a horse, because I like the cool air and want to get away for a bit.

The horse I choose is the same one that I have borrowed since I've been here. It is a small white horse that is very friendly and seems to enjoy when I stroke its mane. I mount the horse and snap the reigns, nearly running into the king as I leave the stables.

"Your majesty!" I exclaim. "I apologize, I did not mean to almost hit you!"

Soto smiles and pats the side of the horse. "Do not worry, Ciaran. Where is Rowan?" he asks me, looking behind the horse. "Are you trying to run from him?"

"No, he is asleep but I would like to get fresh air. I am sorry, I should have asked," I say sheepishly.

He chuckles. "Ah, do not fret, young man. I respect how you wish to clear your mind, so have a nice ride," Soto tells me, so I nod and snap the reigns, heading toward the gates.

I am flying high; Rowan, the prince of Arlian, the most beautiful and kind man I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, told me that he likes me, that he admires me!

That he is in awe of me and would like to be with me, should I give him the chance.

And, gods, am I willing to give it to him!

I want him to be mine, to hold me when I'm upset and so I can do the same for him. I want to be there for him when he is sad, I want to share a blanket with him while we sit in front of a lit fireplace, enjoying each other's company.

The horse runs up the path where Rowan and I go to spar, but as I am coming up on the clearing, a sense on unease overcomes me. For some reason... it feels as though someone is here with me, and I do not like it. As Rowan has taught me, I have strapped the small sword I have to the side of the horse so I am always able to defend myself.

Sliding off the horse, I walk around the clearing, constantly looking around me. I order my horse to stay behind so she doesn't get hurt, because she is an amazing animal and I would hate anything to happen to her.

This is the area where Rowan trains me and teaches me to spar, so I should feel safe here, but there is something that makes me uncomfortable.

I see something sticking up in the middle of the clearing, covered in leaves... strange. Since I am both foolish and curious, I approach the raised ground and poke it with the tip of my sword.

The ground lifts underneath me and I find myself being lifted in the air, in a massive net covered with tiny rocks so it stabs my skin. When the net grabbed me, my sword nicked my arm so now I am bleeding from several places and in a lot of pain.

I hear shouting from around me, and I freeze when I realize they are speaking Vladimir and Daliah's language; oh gods, I need to get out of here!

Squirming in the net and feeling the jagged rocks stabbing into my skin, I manage to adjust my sword to cut through the robes and make a hole big enough to slide through. I quickly throw my sword out and then leap through the hole, landing on the ground and I think I just dislocated or broke my shoulder.

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