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The song Sophia,Sheila and Addison Cheer/Sang and danced to.

"Mummy,Ric how'd we do"Sophia asks running up to them.With her best friends.

"Great baby"Nicolette tells her daughter placing a kiss on her cheek.
"But these skirts are to short,Who picked these"Alaric says
"Mum""Letiie""Lettie"Sophia,sheila and Addi say at the same time.
"i thought we said we were gonna keep that a sercet"Nicolette says
"Sorry"The girls say in sync smiling at each other.

Time jump

Nicolette was in bed crying her eyes out.It was the anniversary of Stefans death day.All the students knew not to inturpet her on this day.
Her children had different ways to cope.Alec and Jace worked on spearing and getting there anger out.Sophia layed in bed crying.The twins try to comfort their mother.But she wouldn't let them.And Stephanie git more violent,And rude.

Stephanie was walking through the halls,Alone.
"Whys everyone so sad"Hope asks walking up to Steph.
"Shut up hope,It's not all about you and your perfect little family,You have everything.The Mikaelsons are just terrible,Manipulative monsters.Who get there way because people are scared of you"Steph snapped before walking away.
"You really had to do that did you"Lizzie snaps walking past her.

Hope walks into the Mikaelson mansion, crying.
"Hope what's wrong"Her mother says walking up to her.
"i don't know what i did,Stephanie just snapped at me"Hope says
"Lets go talk to Nicolette and tell her to teach her kids manners"Hayley says
"No you didn't hope"Kol says
The Mikaelsons look at kol confused.
"It's Stefan Salvatores Death Anniversary"Kol says.

Nicolette sits on her bed, crying holding a picture of them.

Nicolette sits on her bed, crying holding a picture of them

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"Go away"Nicolette yells.
"It's Steph,mum"A small voice on the other side of the door says
Nicolette gets up and opens it
"Come here baby"
They get in bed and and cuddle

"It's Steph,mum"A small voice on the other side of the door saysNicolette gets up and opens it"Come here baby"They get in bed and and cuddle

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"I miss him so much,Mummy"
"Me to baby,Me to"Nicolette tells her daughter before drifting off to sleep.

Other side
"I miss you to babys"Stefan says watching the scene. 

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