The First Day of Another Life (Part 1)

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{ 3rd person perspective }
Bold Texts are thoughts
Italic text is dialogue
Normal text is the exposition

Today is (Y/N) first day at a new school. The school is named P.K academy. The school seems like ever regular school so, (Y/N) starts her way there. All of the sudden while walking to the entrance a limo shows up, and (Y/N) looks behind to see a person walk out of there

(Y/N) thought, What is a rich kid like him doing here? The individual started walking her way saying  "Plebes, move out of the way"

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(Y/N) thought, What is a rich kid like him doing here? The individual started walking her way saying  "Plebes, move out of the way"

Of course (Y/N) wasn't happy with his demeanor but she kept walking to the lockers. She was taking of her shoes and placing on the shoes the school provided her, but there was someone watching from behind her.

" Why hello there buddy-" (Y/N) jumped from the surprise of the person. The person had spiky yellow hair and a very unique chin but she didn't question and asked.

" Who are you, and why are you behind me?" The person was confused and said "I saw you at your locker and was looking at you, names Nendou-"

(Y/N) was at a loss for words and was confused by the presence but before she knew it the class bell rung. 

" OH NO- I'm going to be late!!" Nendou said as to running to class. (Y/N) was also panicking and ran to her class as well.

"Alright class there is a new student today joining us." The teacher said. Yada yada... Saiki thought. Another new student, great..

(Y/N) then walked into the classroom and started to introduce herself. Hello! My name is (Y/N) and it's nice to meet you all!

Everyone was looking the new student and the teacher spoke (Y/N), your seat is in the back of the room next to Saiko Metori.

(Y/N) looked in the direction and was shocked That was the guy for earlier- she thought. I not so sure about this.... 

Teacher, why does a plebe have to sit next to me? Saiko asked.

(Y/N) was shocked by that notion and replied Because the teacher said so, and I don't think there is another seat.

Then Saiko brought out his money. Everyone stared at the two with the intent to try to stop it but could not.

I can give you 1 million yen to sit somewhere else? Because I would rather sit with four-eyes than you. Saiko offered.

HOLY- a million YEN?!?!? (Y/N) thought. I could take the offer and go but... (Y/N) had a small form of blush on her face

I actually WANT to sit with him......
WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING (Y/N) violently shakes her head and said I'm not taking the offer. So deal with it.

Everyone was shocked, then the teacher finally spoke Alright then (Y/N) take you seat next to Saiko.

He was mad of course but (Y/N) didn't care and took her spot next to Saiko.

Break has started and everyone was talking with one another and (Y/N) was sitting in the desk. She was looking at everyone's conversation but she spot somebody familiar.

It's that other boy at the lockers! Nendou I think.... So she got out of her seat and walked towards him and a pink-haired boy.

Oh it's you buddy! What's up? (Y/N) waved and said

Hello again! I was wondering if could get a introduction to everyone she said.

She was curious on everyone since (Y/N) wanted some friends.

Sure buddy! Let me introduce you to everyone! Nendou replied.

And so they both walked to a boy with light blue hair and another guy with purple hair.

The dark reunion shall come and kill us all!! He said. I don't think they will come. Stop being dramatic The boy said.

Hey Buddies! Nendou said Yo! Hey Nendou. Uh who is the girl behind you? The boy asked

I'm (Y/N) the new student! Oh yeah! I'm Aren and the dramatic one here is Kaidou. He said.

IM NOT DRAMATIC! The dark reunion is real! Just you wait Kaidou cried. I honestly feel bad for the man she thought.

And so (Y/N) was introduced to everyone in the class which was a thrill to experience! She really liked Teruhashi since she was the pretty girl. (Y/N) thought that she was a goddess at one point but that was just her imagination! There was also Chiyo and Mera which they were both fun to talk to.

Then Nendou came to introduce (Y/N) to Saiko but she was nervous about since they weren't on good terms. What do you plebes want? Saiko said.

I was just introducing my buddy (Y/N) to you!

Hello... she whimpered.

(Y/N) was getting shaky from being near him and Saiko noticed then said Did cat bite your tongue plebe? Saiko smirked.

(Y/N) blushed furiously and replied What do you mean by that? I was just introducing myself to you! Don't have to be so cocky.......plebe

Saiko was shocked by her response and Nendou practically dipped at that point.

Why is this girl talking like she has everything?? UGH- why is she so damn cute- Saiko paused Huh? He was furious and replied

Don't say that to me- I am way more superior than you! I could just send you to Siberia so I won't have to deal with you-

Don't say that to me- I am way more superior than you! I could just send you to Siberia so I won't have to deal with you-

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Saiko grinned as (Y/N) was basically panicking and was starting to regret what she said.

But then the bell ringed and class started up again. UDJCKYJJ IN TX she thought.

(Y/N) was relieved that it rung so that Saiko wouldn't do anything to her. And so class begun once again.


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