The plan CONTINUES! Part 7

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So Y/N starts sprinting once more to the ✨Richness Restaurants✨
Y/N is determined to get there as fast as possible without being more late than they already was. Finally, what felt like hours to Saiko and a century to Y/N, they finally made it!

Saiko: Good god you are finally here, it's like 5:59 right now! How long did it take to get here?

Y/N: I mostly had to sprint here like a madman and it would be grateful if next time you PICK ME UP INSTEAD!

Saiko: Ok damn, but we gotta move post haste my father has been waiting for a long and time and I don't know if he can wait any longer.

Y/N: WAIT YOUR FATHER IS HERE??I thought that our meet up was Friday??

Saiko: I know! But my father is REALLY getting impatient and wanted to see you. So far not so good on the impression for being so late.

Y/N: We'll it is not my fault that I live far away from the Rich restaurant. Your lucky I didn't make it here by the time it was closing!

Saiko: Ok, I'll know for next to pick you up but we must get inside.

The two walked into the building and seeing the amount of shiny souvenirs, and a fireplace made with diamonds. But that is not all they get the luxury suite to themselves with a full chorus of orchestra and a bar to top it all off! Finally the chairs in there were made out of ruby, with seemed absolutely crazy to Y/N. They have never seen this much in like FOREVER!

I should have dressed more nicely if I would have know that THIS place would be our "meeting place"

Y/N sighed as Saiko and them walked into the suite and ready for what would happen.

Saiko's Shiny Dad: Why hello Saiko. I almost left this place due to it being so inexpensive but furthermore, is this your girlfriend that you mention of?

Saiko: Why yes father. This is Y/N and Y/N this is my father, the CEO of the Saiko company.

Y/N waved at the Shiny man. Y/N was feeling VERY nervous about this and wasn't sure that this would work out

Saiko's Shiny Dad: Anyways, why don't you two take a seat for me and I shall get the waiter.

Saiko and Y/N sat down, and Saiko handed Y/N some fancy sunglasses.

Y/N: Uh do these cost a lot?

Saiko: Only like 45 trillion dollars, really not that much.

And Y/N evaporates from shock once more
Jk again 🤪✨
Then, the waitress came by to see what the group would order.

Saiko's Shiny Dad: Do you two have anything in particular that you would want?

Saiko: I suppose I could get a lamb chop with scallops, and a crème pie as a dessert.

Y/N: I'm sorry but I need to look at the menu a bit more..

Saiko's Shiny Dad: Oh no need for that. Waitress please make us the entire menu!

Y/N was dumbfounded by the request

Waiter: Oh yes sir, and anything else you would want?

Saiko's Shiny Dad: Oh yes and a lovers cake and make it red velvet!

Waiter: Yes sir!

The waiter ran off in the distance to tell the chefs the order but Y/N was mostly shock on how the Shiny Dad knew that red velvet was their favorite cake.

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