Love and Ravioli (Winterspider)

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Peter Parker couldn't help how he felt. Well he possibly could, he did keep his feelings in check at least. He would never actually tell THE Bucky Barnes how he felt. Bucky would never feel the same and the sixteen year old knew he'd just embarrass himself.

"Эй, мама, паук, я думала о готовке. Что бы вы хотели за супер?" (Hey, momma spider, I was thinking of cooking. What would you like for super?) Peter asked his adoptive mom. No one in the Stark tower could cook, it was either Peter or take out.

"Все, что угодно, хороший паучок, но лучше всего готовить равиоли." (Anything is good baby spider, but you do make the best ravioli.) Natasha replied with a small smile. Just then the man on Peter's mind, constantly, walked in.

"о, что я здесь про равиоли Питера? если я получу голос, я скажу чертовски да на это." (oh, what is this i here about Peter's ravioli? if i get a vote i say hell yes to that.) Bucky smiled at his two fellow Russian speakers. He liked the fact that a boy so young knew Russian of all things. It was fun to confuse the others too.

"Okay no more Russian, Tony is in the room." Tony mumbled out setting down I'm one of the kitchen chairs.

"I'm going to cook ravioli tonight." Peter explained with a smile.

"мы должны продолжать говорить по-русски, просто чтобы ссать из консервной банки."(We should keep speaking Russian just to piss off the tin can.) Natasha snickered at Bucky's comment while Peter tried not to laugh.

"Я согласен, хотелось бы, чтобы на лбу у него выскочило тщеславие." (I agree, I'd like to see the vein on his forehead pop out.) Natasha agreed with a small trouble making smile.

"Вы двое не сердитесь, мы пока будем говорить по-английски, а то я не буду делать равиоли." (Don't be mean you two, we'll speak English for now or I won't make ravioli.) Natasha and Bucky both gasped, placing a hand over their hearts.

"You wouldn't baby spider, you wouldn't." Peter giggled but nodded.

"Oh I would, to make Mister Stark feel better I'd have to make his favorite." Natasha sighed giving up on the forehead vein plan.

"Since you put it that way I shall agree to this. I want ravioli."  Peter smiled and nodded.

"I don't know what just happened but thanks Pete, and how many times do I have to say it's Tony kid." Peter smiled, rolling his eyes.

"I'm trying Tony it's weird you're my mentor, now out of the kitchen, all of you." Natasha faked being pained at this as she walked out of the kitchen. Tony followed like a kicked puppy but Bucky stayed put.

"You too mister." Peter stated wiggling one of his fingers at the man he was crushing hard on.

"Давай, Пит, ты не можешь позволить своему любимому Мстителю остаться? Пожалуйста." (Come on Pete, can't you let your favorite Avenger stay? Please.) How could Peter ever say no when Bucky Barnes said please.

"Хорошо, но если вы смеетесь над моим процессом или нарушаете мой процесс, вас нет. Любимый или нет." (Fine, but if you laugh at my process or disrupt my process you are out. Favorite or not.) Bucky quickly nodded, setting on top of one of the countertops.

"Возьми мой телефон и включи плейлист по приготовлению равиоли, пожалуйста, и спасибо." (Grab my phone and turn on my ravioli cooking playlist please and thank you.) Peter asked slash told pointing at his phone." Bucky grabbed the phone turning it on only to be mildly shocked that Peter's lock screen was a Picture. It was a picture of Bucky and Peter.

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