Steve Mazer - Introduction

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Steve Mazer developed a strong and community oriented staff that was responsible for the revitalization of the Hilliard, Ohio Recreation and Parks Department. It began with the renovation of the city's award winning aquatic center.

Following that project, Steve Mazer played an exceptional role in construction of the city's First Responders Park that included steel from the World Trade Centers to pay tribute to all those who lost their lives on September 11.

Steve Mazer produced outdoor events that would bring the public into downtown Hilliard and in turn increase exposure for all the local businesses. The department was awarded the "New Established Business of the Year' for its impact within the city.

During his tenure with the city of Hilliard, Steve Mazer built strong working relationships within the community. Those relationships included the public and private sector, that ranged from Federal, State and Local politicians to representatives of the business community as well as numerous civic and charitable organizations.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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Steve Mazer - Director Planning From Columbus, OhioWhere stories live. Discover now