Chapter Four: Ritualistic

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"Hurricane is lonely, I'm sure you understand," You confessed truthfully, absentmindedly kicking at the ground with a pout. A pit of anxiety swallowed you whole, and you couldn't help but feel so small, so inferior, and you had no idea why. "Besides, it's so... quiet, here, I feel like I'd just melt right through the walls if I wasn't careful," you joke aimlessly, clasping your hands together nervously.

He's too close, you think, he gives off such bad vibes, I don't like him.

Dave does nothing but stare back at you with a sly grin, eyebrows furrowed together in false frustration. He's taking pleasure from your nervousness and was extremely poor at hiding the fact. He took some sadistic enjoyment out of this, you thought, or maybe, he was just bored out of his mind. Just as bored as you were.

Your stomach fluttered at the thought, sinking with anxiety. That wasn't a good thing. With how creepy and peaky he seemed, you did not want to compare yourself to him. It would be inane and demeaning to yourself, and as much as you'd hate to assume it, this man definitely had some dark secrets hidden up his sleeve. Seriously dark secrets. But then again, you may be completely wrong - it's not exactly polite to judge someone based on their appearance and actions alone, you suppose.

"But here, of all places?" He had a sharp tone to the edge of his voice despite the corners of his lips curling up to meet an even larger grin than before. "Careful, you may get scooped up by one of the animatronics and shoved into a suit." He joked, smacking his hands together in simulated amusement. He seriously started laughing at his joke. Oh, God, how far gone was this man?

You give a small hum in acknowledgement, forcing a nervous grin onto your face with ease. Totally not uncomfortable right now, no, totally not. A part of you wondered if he could sense your nervousness. Hopefully, he couldn't. To your surprise, he stared at you with a somewhat sour expression before it was replaced with a playful grin as he throws his right hand in the air as if to gesture.

"Careful, Freddy might grab you if you're not careful!" he bellows in a sing-song tone, waving his finger in the air as he trots forward. "Might just bite your head off," he sharply inhales, shoulders shaking, "or even worse!" he bursts into a fit of laughter, hunching over as he clenches his kneecaps. It seemed out of character for a man like him.

Nevertheless, you stare in complete awe, gaping. "What," your voice trembled, "that's not funny?" In response to your words, his laughter comes to a halt and his gaze averts to you, silver eyes staring directly into your own. After a few seconds, he merely shrugged and straightened his posture up.

"To each their own," he said, gesturing for you to follow him. "Come on, I'm sure you'd like to see the rest of the infamous Freddy's," He was gesturing for you to walk in front of him. Though, to be honest, you didn't even want him to be behind you. A certain itch told you that he would do something. Maybe it was your gut feeling, maybe it was merely just a thought lingering in the back of your throat, but you didn't feel safe. No, not around him. Alone in a pretty-much abandoned pizzeria with a demented guard didn't seem very inviting depending on the type of person that he was. And, to you, he didn't seem like the type of person you'd want to spend time with.

Was it just you, or were the walls slowly closing in on you?

You couldn't tell for certain, but the air was growing stiff with tension. Either that or you were just terrified of the man that was walking in front of you. The jingle of his keys and the clicking of his dress shoes against the dirty tiles beckoned your mind, almost in a hypnotising manner. Were his feet tapping to a familiar tune? God, you didn't know if you wanted to know... However, your thoughts were cut short as he suddenly chuckled loudly, snapping his fingers. Dave was going to talk again.

"You know," his finger tapped on the torch in his hand, the light flickering with each tap. You felt yourself grow more anxious at the action. "It's not often that anyone stays around once I spot them. I mean, you ran away the last time. So might I inquire as to why you came back here? Call it morbid curiosity." It was as if he wasn't asking you.

But commanding you.

Your weight shifted back and forth on your feet, a shiver travelling down your spine which told you to bolt out of there instead of being an idiot like you had been, and never come back here again. "I don't know, actually," like before, you were truthful. "I just... felt like I had unfinished business here, that's all." He laughed in response to your words, which surprised you, but at the same time did not.

"Of course," his voice held a certain edge to it, "when you're young, you're stupid and have not a care in the world. Nothing but yourself matters. No offence, of course,"

"None taken..." You whispered quizzically.

Dave suddenly stopped walking, standing in place like a stiff robot whose commands had been turned off and it was having its first taste of humanity. Suffice it to say, it set off alarms in your brain. "Wanna see something cool?" He craned his head to the side in order to make direct eye contact with you, much to your disagreement. Now, the thing that he may show you could be anything - a knife in the gut, a gun to the head, handcuffs(after all, you did sneak in. Again.), and lord knows what else.

Your gaze averted from his for all but a moment. "It depends on what it is," beads of sweat collected on your forehead, licking your skin angrily. In a hypothetical situation, he would simply laugh and pull a random thing out of his pocket and you would be on your way. However, something told you that the exact opposite would happen.

"The animatronics," he gestured, "I could turn them on for a private show."

You quirked an eyebrow at his antics, "are you sure that's a good idea? Do they even work?"

He merely laughed in response. "Of course, they do. Leaving them in a state of disrepair would just be like a child being abandoned by its parent."

Uhm, okay, you thought, weird analogy...

"Give me one moment and I'll be right back," and without allowing you to speak, Dave left and slowly disappeared behind the stage. As much as you would like to believe that him being gone made you feel better, it actually made you feel even worse, much to your dismay. Freddy's was dark, abandoned, desolate. You staring directly at the animatronics in front of you only further pushed that ideal. They weren't alive, you were the only one there. And it was uncanny. On second thought, maybe you should just leave? It wasn't if Dave knew you. Was he even a real security guard? Now you were getting anxious.

A few minutes began to pass by. And with that came what seemed like forever, until there was suddenly a bright light and the animatronics began to move on their own. In mannerisms that seemed almost impossible for a robot to do. You stared in horror as they twisted back and forth, opening and shutting their mouths as if speaking to each other. They were singing a happy tune and you swore that you could remember it, but the fear overtook any rationality. Was this the show that Dave had been talking about? Because it was absolutely fucking horrifying.

Soon enough, the animatronics slowly shut down one by one, and then out came Dave himself from behind the stage. He held a proud grin on his face, crooked teeth shining with his saliva. As he drew closer, you felt your spine straighten up. What was with his presence and commanding authority? You didn't want to know.

"So," he crossed his arms over his chest. "How was that?"

"Absolutely horrifying and I'm going home now." Was your quick, automatic response. Dave seemed to stare in disbelief, at least to you, before shaking his head. As you walked away, you could feel his eyes glare into the back of your skull and you wished, wholeheartedly, that you would never see him ever again. Maybe you were judging too harshly.

"I suppose kids will be kids," you heard him chuckle as you walked away. What a creep.

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