Chapter 2

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A/N:I forgot to mention in the Bio that Mikasa and Y/N are only close friends now but it will change later. There will also be one more girl added later on in the mix


Mikasa and I was sitting next to Eren waiting for him to wake up. As he got up he starts talking about a dream he had but Mikasa just brush it off. I notice that Eren had a key on him, maybe I didn't see it when I got on the boat.

Mikasa:Come on they are handing out food ration at the warehouse.

Y/N:I'm never going to taste mom's cooking again.

As Eren and Mikasa went to go get ration I just stood there. My hair were covering my eyes as I started cry over my mom's death. I quickly wiped my eyes and followed Eren and Mikasa to get food. As I got out to where the people were gather up I notice the looks on the people faces. I then notice two men fighting over food. Just then Armin came with bread for us.

Armin:I'm glad I caught you guys. Here grandpa got a little extra when he told them he had kids.

Mikasa:That was nice of him

Y/N:The next time you see him tell him that I am grateful for this.

Just then a soldier was right behind Armin looking at us with disgust.

Eren:What's his deal?

Armin:Just ignore it, there's a shortage, poor man's probably hungry. By the way I make that last. They were already dealing famine before we got here so it's am ugly situation, that in this far in there's a greater disparity between the halves and the halves not

RS:Nothing more gratifying than seeing rations go to animals. Guess we got to beef up the herd though. Eat up the titans like a little meat on their bones.

As Eren was walking up to the guy I put my hand his shoulder and stated

Y/N:(Monotone) Don't bother with his ungrateful ass. Just ignore him, he probably hasn't seen a titan. If he had he wouldn't be saying shit out of his ass.

Eren flinched when he heard me speak. He ended up ignore the guy and started walking away looking pissed.

Mini Timeskip

Eren:I can't do this, I'm going back to wall Maria the titans have to pay for what they done to us.

Armin:Hey now you're not serious that's your stomach talking.

Eren:No it's not, wake up the guys standing between us and them are just a bunch of talk. The hell with all of them, here go back.

Armin:Yeah, what are you trying to do stave?

Eren:When are you going to sick of their charity, too much is handed to us. Ee have to our own two feet

Armin:To do what? To get killed by a Titan. I know I use to think our future was beyond the walls but it's like you told that man I've never seen what they can do to us.

Eren:So that's it this is just the way life is run away and take what we're giving.

Armin:Look at us. What choice do we have here?

Eren:We can damn well leave. If you want to scrape by in the charity of cowards that's your thing but I'm not a para-

Right before he could finish that statement Y/N beat Mikasa to the punch which shock all three of them.

Y/N:(Coldly):Can you shut the fuck up with all these shit. You act like you done something out there that benefits everyone here when you haven't. All you been doing is running like the rest of us. So if Armin is coward so are you. Don't act like you done something special when you haven't done Jack shit yet.

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