𝐈 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞...

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I started to walk home with my sister charli and my friends kenzie and Maddison. And that's when I saw it a moving truck. I'm not really surprised but not telling me is really low. My dad is a actor we move around alot because of his tour. Its really stressful and ever since Johnny broke up with Miranda he's been way to stressed he hasn't left the house in 3 weeks. But I just need to know why didn't dad tell me we were moving. We got to the house and walk in. "Hey dad can I ask you a question?" I asked him. "Sure what's up?" He asked. "Why didn't you tell me we were moving? I'm the most responsible person in this house." I said. "I didn't want to add more stress with you and yor boyfriend." He said making up an excuse. "Wow dad. You do know that was Johnny right? And you said that last year when we moved to L.A, Georgia, San Francisco, and all the places we moved ." I said as I walked out. "Kenzie and madi im moving back to the U.K." I said as I started to pack. "I'll miss you and your corny jokes." Madi said laughing. "But you like my corny jokes." I said frowning. "I'll miss both of you." I said hugging them. "Dad im done im gonna go to the skate park with kenzie and madi!" I screamed from my room. "Be back by six!" My dad yelled back. "My friends bailed on me again can I go with you guys?" Charli said looking bummed. "Sure get your skateboard and me kenz and madi will teach you how to skateboard." I said as we grabbed a skateboard. "Okay!" She said looking a bit more happier. "Were gonna stop by my house to get our skateboards." Madi said. "Hey Tay I just wanna apolo-." "Save it. You cheated on me with that bitch Naomi end of discussion I wanna have fun skateboarding okay?" I said cutting him off and walking inside with charli. "Did you tell dad jeremy cheated?" Charli asked. "No because he can't tell me were moving the day before we move he doesn't need to know that he cheated." I said annoyed. I sighed and the girls could see what was going on. "Whats wrong Tay?" Kenzie asked. "Jeremy he wanted to apologize to me. But he's the one who cheated." I said. "Come on lets just go to the skate park." Madi said as she grabbed her skateboard. "So since we're going to the park we minuswell just teach you how to skateboard  before we get there unless if you wanna walk." I said. "I wanna know how before I get there." She said smiling as she dropped the skateboard and got on. I held her hand and when I thought she was ready I let her go. We got there in five minutes she had already learned the basics. "Can I learn some tricks? I don't wanna be the only girl here just learning." She asked. "First you need to learn how to skate up a half pipe its really easy. You just have to go like this and you got it." I said skateboarding up the pipe. "This is gonna be so hard and I might embarrass you guys." She said sighing. "Me and dad can't do everything for you char you can do it you did it all the way here!" I said as madi and kenzie were cheering her on. "Okay... I think I got it." She said smiling again. "Yay! You did it keep on practicing." I said as I cheered for her. "Your mom would be so proud!" Kenzie said smiling at me. "Im technically char and Johnny's mom i swear ever since my dad got into acting its like I have to be the one helping Johnny get over Miranda or how to teach charli how to do dishes sometimes I wish my dad wasn't an actor I barely have anyone to take care of me." I said basically ranting. "You okay Tay?" Madi asked. "No because jeremy basically asked to be my friend again. He cheated on me and now he wants to be friends? I don't have time for this all over again I wanna make a fresh start and jeremy is not going to be in my fresh start." I said letting out a big sigh. "Its okay Tay you got us and please tell us your fresh start has us in it?" Kenzie asked. "Duh you guys know EVERYTHING about me even my old secret booger hide out." I said laughing. "I'll be visiting the booger place just for fun." Madi said also laughing. "Char you're getting good also when you do it make sure you don't hold on to the edge it'll hurt your fingers and you'll slip and get hurt." I said looking at charli do it again. "Charli you might get better than me." I said smiling. "Tay its almost six we gotta go." I heard kenzie yell from the benches. "Lets go char." I said looking at my phone. "Wanna get some food on the way?" Madi asked us. "Sure since its my last time here can we go to checkers?" I said. "Yeah char what are you getting?" Kenzie asked char. "A salad." Charli whispered. "Charli were not your judgemental friends be yourself and if you don't want salad don't get it." Kenzie said in a serious voice. "Well then can I have fries and a burger also can we go to dunkin? I really want some coffee." She said. We nodded and skateboarded to checkers and ordered then we got dunkin. We sat on the skateboards and rode them that way home. "Girls why are you so late? I said be home at 6:00 not at 6:20." My dad said angrily. "Its only twenty minutes calm down." I said not trying to get too cocky. "Go to your room now!" He yelled as charli and the girls went into my room. "We went to get something to eat and charli wanted dunkin before she left without ANY details." I said screaming the "any" in his face. "We got hungry and lost track of time so byee." I said as I ran upstairs and into my room I sat on the floor and got my food out. "Johnny!" I yelled from my room. "What?" He asked. "I got you your favorite food from checkers. Also can you stay in here?" I said. "Sure." He said. He looked happier and that made me smile my brother was finally happy and relieved. "Dads turned mad." I whispered. "Me, char, kenzie, and madi came late and he got mad but I don't know why." I whispered. "Its the fame ever since mom died he got into acting but you know it made him happy." He whispered as we both ate our food. "Its changed him im basically you and chars mom I can't deal with this." I said. "Don't worry about it you and I can move out in a month." He said. Were twins and I'm the oldest but dad still favors him. "I'll try not to." I said as madi turned on the TV. I threw my stuff out and went back into my room....

Hope you guys enjoyed they are going to the U.K to film soon

I hope you guys are okay go ahead and rant if you need to ily

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