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The young couple ran faster and faster, no matter how out of breath they got they never stoped, to scared, knowing if they did they'd get they'd be banned from even thinking of one another, Well that was the out come they're hoped for if they got caught knowing it would be a lot worse they weren't just star crossed lover they where forbidden, first of the last.

gun shots getting closer and closer a hand yanked the young girl into felt a field tall wide trees by her partner in crime Matt

"What are you doing?" She whisper yelled at him, out of breath putting her hands on her knees

"I'll distract them" he mumbled moving his head about looking pasted the trees, the young lovers saw their families shouting insults and one another in rage, guns in hands both ready to kill the opposite sides youngest adult for 'kidnapping' each other.

Worry growing inside of them scared to breathe to loud not moving a muscle despising there families who don't even remember why they were rivals,
their families.

They didn't understand, they didn't understand they wanted to be with each other they didn't understand they wanted to run they didn't understand their love they didn't understand them.

"Are you crazy!" She frantically whispered grabbing his hands tightening her grip "no" she demanded

He was the only thing keeping her alive she couldn't bare without him they got each other, they understand the pressure from the people around them, they could be themselves around each other they could make mistakes, they could cry, they could scream they could breathe.

"They won't catch me, I'll just run until I reach the boat and I'll meet you at the dock like we planned we'll sail to France just like we planes ok, we can finally be free" he reassured pulling her in kissing her forehead

"What if they catch you or you get hurt" she overthought not wanting him to leave her

"I won't I promise"

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise"

They shook there pinky's together letting go giving one last passionate kiss before he ran catching the eye of the Kingsley's making them fire there guns and run wild, the Sturniolo's following trying to protect there youngest wanting to kill the Kingsley's youngest

y/n watched in worry waiting 5 minutes rushing to the dock.

After hours of waiting she heard cracks of sticks jumping up looking around frantically, a person appearing from the shadows

"Matt!" She squeaked tears forming in her eyes as scanned over him she saw blood on his shirt rushing over to him

"I'm fine I'm fine just a little graze I'm ok" he reassured her pulling her in a long hug

"We have to leave now ok we did it we're going to be free together" he said breaking the hug abruptly, dragging her over to the boat

She stepped in the boat holding his hand for balance him getting in shortly after he placed there bags in the compartment inside

"Do you think they'll find us" she replied starting to regret the past events that had occurred in the last 12 hours

"If they do I rather die then not see you" he spoke walking over to the whole pulling out the key to the boat

"We need to stand our ground" she replied standing up wanting to believe her naive thoughts, thinking things could be normal and 200 years of an unknown reason for hatred would be dropped because of their love

"You know what there like" he said sighing knowing what she thought, hoping she wouldn't go back not now

"I know" she sighed "I understand" she said sitting back down nodding her head for him to start the engine

"Your my Juliet" he grinned widely remembering all the times they had compared there life to the Shakespeare play ironically similar to their life, all the nights they had stayed up till three am claiming the play was about them how they were Romeo and Juliet in there past life's think they were sent to this life to try again at the failed romantic tragedy

"my special girl" he whispered pulling her close to his chest finally free and alone with his love.

Young and beautiful | IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now