How It All Happened

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So In B340, it Is A Room That Was Used For Witchcraft

So then when we went into the room We saw an Oujia board Terrier cards Some Peoples Have Said Stateroom B340 has a large volume of recorded paranormal activity with many stories of haunted encounters noted in the ship's logs. Reports date back to the final ocean voyage in 1967 and include complaints from guests staying in B340 claiming that someone was knocking on the door in the middle of the night. Other complaints include bathroom lights turning on by themselves, the sink faucet turning on and off on its own, and unexplained bathroom doors shutting. Some guests have reported the covers of their bed being pulled off while asleep and waking to see a dark figure standing at the foot of the bed. Also, I Heard Some People say that when they go to sleep and turn over they feel a force of something like a demon sitting on top of them, and also I heard that some people have A Man Holding A knife Standing in the center of the hall And some people have been pulled by their feet off of the bed and also they have been reporting that some people have been possessed for Also people have reported that they have been called and ask them to leave the premises and when they called the ship the said they have no that workes they're Also people have said when they stay in the room B340 they have been called from a number called 666-666-6666 and someone from down below calles or if you call them they are supposed to answer but people have said that Also I Have Everyone else left the room around 2 AM — with every bit of their haunted ephemera in tow, including that spirit board — and I surveyed my surroundings. (By "survey," I mean "check every closet, drawer, and corner of the room while avoiding looking directly in any of the mirrors.") Then, leaving one lamp on, I got in bed and tried to sleep. You might be surprised to learn that, despite having flown in that morning, driving 100 miles, and spending three hours sitting in the dark striving for a paranormal experience, I wasn't a bit tired. Wide awake, even. I have never been less tired in my life than I was that night, lying in the bed of probably the most haunted hotel room in all of California.

Then, around 3 AM, the voices started.

The ship does not attempt to hide B340's history. Now that's it's reopened to the public, the room rents out at a premium, and there are accounts of ghost sightings inscribed on the walls. People come looking for the unmarked room every night. (Visitors persistently pilfer the room number as a souvenir). But I didn't know any of that at the time. So when I heard whispers outside my door, I nearly jumped out of my skin. And when I got up to answer the door, I didn't even have time to tell them to go away, because whoever was out there ran screaming down the hall before I fully turned the knob.

Did I mention The Queen Mary is a pretty creepy place? The same thing happened two more times that night. It's easy to ascribe a supernatural origin to any single noise emanating through those paper-thin walls because you're expecting (hoping? dreading?) to experience something you can't explain. But I was too busy jumping out of my skin at the completely mundane to experience the paranormal — which made the night no less terrifying.

The next day, I looked through SLS footage taken during the investigation of B340 the night before. An SLS camera — it stands for "structured light sensor" — perceives and spatially locates energy that isn't visible to the human eye. I had been sitting in the corner of B340 all through the investigations, on the side of the bed next to the wall. There was no one next to me all night — no one human, anyway — and I never budged from that spot. Imagine my surprise when I saw a creepy, spectral stick figure looming next to me on that camera. And imagine my further surprise when I went back to transcribe my audio notes, and I heard the same EVP responses on my own file. The difference? That angry "HASSLE" was louder and clearer on mine because it was coming from directly next to me.

Several people on that trip, including Bruni herself, reported strange happenings in their rooms overnight. The following evening, when I investigated the boiler rooms four stories below sea level, I'm certain I saw something move when no one was there.  So it was close to Halloween We Made It From October 29-30 But for the 31st they said we had to stay for Halloween And We Didn't want to stay in there because of all of the stuff that happened to us but anyway  So me  and My Friends And My Brothers we went to the ship Queen Marry we went to room B340 so then what happened was we hade revelations for room B340 for October 29-30 so then when we went there we had to go to the room then we went to check-in and so After We DId that we went to check out the ship so It was 8 pm we went back to the room and the tv was on our stuff was everywhere and so we said that was weird and also we said let's play the ouija board and then we said why would we want to play that and this is what just happened and then Justin said come on stop being scary and then I said ok but if something happens you respectable for this  and we started to play we got a powerful demon his name is ZOZO and we didn't know we got this until it went to ZO And Then We got SCARED because something or Someone Flipped Over the OUIJA Board and then that's when all the scary stuff started to happen It Was 3:30 When Jaxson had to call the number 666-666-6666 And I Said know And then he said why and Then I said because someone is supposed to answer from down below and he said why just because we got ZOZO your Scared now and the I said Yeah what do you think I ain't trying to die and then Jaxson said ok So the We baught a light that could tell where the engry is coming from and when we saw where it was coming from we said oh heck nah we where not going to stay until the the 30th but then when we ask the people can we get our money back for tomarrow he said no you have to stay here until the 1st of January and then we said why and then they told us because of the scary Halloween party And then we said ok. So then we went to go play some games so then it was midnight October 31st and we all sleep so then we heard a loud boom so we all woke up and we looked around then we saw something in the mirror it was dark and we saw someone in a white dress and then we heard someone scream the when whoever screamed we saw no one in the mirror so then when we woke up its was like 9:45 we all woke up The Halloween party was all set up and on Halloween, it's not called Halloween its called Dark Harbor so then all scary stuff started to happen clowns coming out of everywhere so then we saw someone fly across the queen marry it looked like this So The We Got So scared then they said Attention There are demons trying to attack the boat you have to go back to your room and they said if you're in room B340  watch your back at all times because they are going there. After he said that we all got scared then. To Be Conntuied 

 To Be Conntuied 

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