777 20 2

Age: 2 years old
Dad: Mac Miller


Ariana's POV

"I can't! She's so cute Ariana!"

So today I'm doing an interview with Zach Sang and I decided to bring Avi along, so far she's been good.

I mean she normally is a bit fussy so I'm not expecting her to be so quiet the whole day.

"Frankie shush!"

"Girl don't shush me, do you not see this cuteness."

Did I forget to mention? Oh yeah, Frankie decided to tag along.

"She's definitely you Ari, look at her. Hey Avi."

Aviana looked at Frankie, her glasses moving down to her nose. Okay, that is cute!

Mac would have loved her, she's just an angel. I wish Aviana got the chance to meet Mac atleast once, they would have loved each other.

"Ariana are you okay?"

I hadn't realised I was tearing up, fuck that I was crying. I guess the thought of Avi growing up without her dad got to me.

"Just thinking about how Mac would have loved her, she's just an angel Frankie"

He sighed, sitting down next to me, "That's true, if Mac loved you he would have loved her too. I mean Aviana is practically you, he would have loved her to the moon and back. I think he wouldn't let her out of his sight."

"You think so?" I just needed reassurance, would he have really loved her?

"I don't think so Ari, I know so. Plus everyone loves Avi, she's a mini Ariana."

I took a deep breath, "Thanks Frankie I needed that."

"My pleasure now, Avi?"

She turned to look at Frankie once again, "What are you up to?"

She gave a grin before going back to digging into my purse, that girl loves bags.

I won't be surprised if she had a whole closet of them.

"Ariana you're on in five."

"Thanks I'm on my way, let me just get Avi."

The guy gave nod before going back out.

"Ready for your first interview baby loves?"


"Aviana do you enjoy being Ariana's daughter?" Zach asked Aviana whose attention was still set on that purse.

"Avi won't you answer Zachy?"

She looked up at me, then at the camera's, then Dan and then Zach before answering, "No."

The whole crowd laughed and I came gasped, "No to me being your mama or no to answering the question?"

She just crossed her tiny legs and rummaged through the purse again.


"Yes Zach?"

"You got gold in that purse or What? Cause that's all she's been paying attention to."

Aviana looked Zach with the, 'really now?' look before hopping of the couch and heading over to Frankie by the camera's.

"She's sassy, huh?"

I nodded, still looking at my two year old who was now in her Uncle's arms, still rummaging through my purse.

"Definitely her mothers daughter." Dan said in a whisper which everyone heard.

"Real funny Dan."


We were now on our way home after a long day of interviews and photoshoots and I really wanted to know.

What the fuck is in that bag?!

"Baby loves what's in that purse? Cause that's all you've been paying attention to the whole day."

She squealed before putting her hand in and pulling out a skiddle and popping it into her mouth.

Oh my god!

Ariana & AvianaWhere stories live. Discover now