Chapter 8 : Can i Court you?

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Jungkook's POV

Today is the monday. The day i will ask Jimin out.

Oh you might be wondering i got that idea right? Well...


“Namjoon hyung, how did you court Y/n Unnie?„

“Oh? Well, i—„

“It was simple yet a memorable moment. First he flirts with me by saying lame pickup jokes„ Y/n butted in.

“That... wasn't lame?„

“Oh shut up, anyways, everyday he come to school everyday holding a flower with chocolates, and it was really sweet to me hihi and then one day he asked me “Y/n? Can i court you„ and then i was so red like literally but of course u said yes„ she said proudly.

“Wow thats a lotta effort„

“Mhm thanks hyung i think i know how i would court him„

—End of Flashback—

I released a deep sigh. Because im really, really nervous.

Okay this is it.

Jimin's POV

Our class president a.k.a. Jungkook's bestfriend Hoseok, told us all to go to the cafeteria.

So right now im heading there with my bestfriend Taehyung.

“Alright everyone is here„ said Hoseok hyung.

Then out of he blue Jungkook came out with a flower, chocolate and a mic?


Then he startes singing a song i couldn't recognize. But the lyrics are so...

Jungkook's POV

I was singing a song i wrote for Jimin only. It's called "Euphoria" because he's my euphoria.

As i was finished with my song i was infront of Jimin.


Jimin's POV

His singing is really good. I can't help but to wonder if—

What?! Why is he infront of me?!


“Y-Yes?„ i stuttered.

“Can i court you?„

Is it alright?🤧

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