he knows

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  ⚠️warning this chapter will have abuse PLEASE skip that part if you don't wish to read it, I'll warn you when you should skip⚠️

Victor just found out about you in the garden with Alastor. And to say he was pissed was an understatement, Val slowly whispered in his ear about the way you looked at Alastor, and when he said Alastor kissed you he lost it.

He shot up from his place at the table and went right home he had something to prepare.

/////time skip///pov change/////

"Victor" I called out into the dark house me and my husband shared, no response was heard just the sound of silence I walked farther into the house slowly hanging my shawl on the rack and went to the bedroom and changed into my nightgown,

"Victor" I called out into the dark house me and my husband shared, no response was heard just the sound of silence I walked farther into the house slowly hanging my shawl on the rack and went to the bedroom and changed into my nightgown,

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and went back down to look for my husband. when a lamp turned on and I saw my husband sitting there with an expression I couldn't read... And it scared me...

"Mind telling me where you were tonight?" He said slowly

"I- I just preformed and then just talked with Husker-" I was cut off by his jumping up from his seat and yelling


⚠️ please skip if you are not comfortable with reading this part I will let you know when it's safe to read again⚠️

He then slapped me across the face causing me to tumble to the floor holding my face.

"YOU FUCKIN' STUPID SNOT NOSED WHORE!!" he then wrapped his hand in my hair and dragged me to our shared bedroom

"This is what happens when you lie to me" he threw me on the bed and undid his pants belt

He hit me with it a few times before threw it to the side and started taking his shirt off, I knew what he was going to try to do but I wasn't going to let him.

I twisted my wedding ring around and smacked him across the face, a long red slash of ripped bleeding skin from his left eyebrow to the right side of his lip.

He then backhanded me so hard my back hit the side dresser, I then picked up the lamp and smashed it into the side of his head.

⚠️ ok

He fell to the floor but I wasn't a very strong woman and I knew that hit wouldn't keep him down for long so I slipped into my shoes and ran down the stairs almost tripping on my flowy nightgown. I grabbed the bottom of it and ran out of the big luxurious house.

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