Chapter 4 Welcome to the Family

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                             ------------------------------ Chapter 4------------------------------

         I heard a lot of loud yelling and laughing. Then I heard foot steps running to the door. My heart felt like it was seriously going to explode. My hands were sweating. They always did that when I was nervous or scared. I was breathing heavily. Next thing I know two amazingly good looking guys around my age maybey a little bit older opened the door.


            Liam and I were wrestling in the living room laughing and having a good time. He picked me up and flung me on the couch and I full blown tackled him.The doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" I yelled. "Not unless I get it first!" Liam exclaimed. We were racing to the door. As we were racing we keep onelbowing each other.

              I finally gave Liam one big last shove and I reached out and grabed the door knob not even a second before Liam got to it. I swung the door opened still laughing like crazy. I saw a beautiful tall girl. She had long brown sligtly curly hair down to her waist. She was looking down at her feet and fidling with a peice of paper she had in hand.

               "Uh hello love." I said my eyes looking at her curiously. "Uh hi.... umm... I need to talk to.. Uhh Niall." She paused and sighed she handed me the paice of paper she was holding. I grabed it lightly. Liam and I looked at it intently. I saw Liam's face go pale and I am pretty sure my face did the same.

              We looked at her. She slightly lifted her head and looked at us. That's when I saw it. Her perfect lips had a bust in it and her beautiful green eye was swolen and purple. "Oh my gosh.... I will go get Niall." Liam said sprinting up the stair case. It was snowing outside and freezing cold so I let the girl in.

            "Uh hi I'm Harry." I said trying to break the awkwardness. "Hi I'm Ivy." She said. She was really quiet. I was just about to say something but just then Niall and Liam run down the stairs like mad men.


           "What's going on?!" Niall asked. I looked at him and Harry handed him my birth curtificate. "Oh my god." Niall said. He had tears in his eyes. "Is this real?'' Niall asked. "If this helps." I said opening my locket He held it in his hands. He snaped it shut and ran off to what I think was his bedroom. I heard rumageing and cuss words. A minute later Niall came out full blown crying now.

              He was holding something in his hand. He holds it out and it was the exact same locket but in gold. H eopened it up and showed me it. Inside was the other half of th picture. He accidently droped the locket and the picture fell out. He curssed under his breath.

               He picked up the picture on the back of it it said Niall. I looked at it. I was crying now. I opened up my locket and pulled out the picture. On the back of mine it said Ivy. By this point all the boys were down stairs and all had tears in their eyes.

            Niall pulleded me into a giant hug. I flinched a little but I don't think he noticed. I didn't like men touching me after what happened with Mark. I was shocked at first but I then hugged him back. I don't know why but I felt like I could trust him. I have never had a hug before.

              I was only a baby when I got separated from my parents so I don't remember getting hugs from them. And I never got hugs from Tina and Mark on anyone else. After a long hug. We released. "Mum told me that the other half was my cusion but she didn't know why it was ripped in half or where the other half was." He said. His voice was hoarse.I just looked at him.

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