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I was always insecure about myself. I always thought I wasn't good enough especially for Kentrell. I felt as though I was bringing him down. I loved the man a lot really I do but how I am right now...isn't fair to him. I felt as though he could do better in his life other than love someone like me.


I've decided to leave him. Even if it hurts me or him that's what i feel would be the best for him.

(tired of me using the same thing? XD tell me what to put)


Kentrell POV

I woke up around 9 sum because a nigga had a free day. I went to go shower and came back to notice Y/n wasn't here. I just thought she left early for sum. I walked downstairs and there was breakfast. She made me some Bacon, Pancakes, Scrabbled eggs, and some orange juice.

I saw a note on the side of the table and went towards it.

"The fuck is this?" I mumbled while pickin it up.

"I'll just read it later," I said while shrugging it off.

I finished eatin and man that was hella good, I got a mini chef Ramsey up in this bitch.

I cleaned my plate and washed my hands and looked at the letter on the counter.
I dried my hands and reached for the note and sat down.

I opened it and started to read.

Hey, it's me Y/n if you are uh reading this right now it must've meant I already left.

"Yeah, I know that," I said while continuing to read.

Um, i just want to say thank you for bein there for me when I needed you most. You were always there for me in my highs and lows and had never abandoned me. You stayed loyal to me and never lied to me and...ill always love you for that...But...I think we should bring this relationship to an end now.

"The hell is she talm bout...?"

I love you believe me i do but you deserve somebody better. I'm really just aint the one for you. I bring my problems into this relationship and i feel as though im just doin too much. You dont need somebody like that. You dont need somebody that's insecure or have problems. You already have enough on yo plate alone and for me to add is just...wrong. You just need somebody thats better.


I hope you find the right one.

I love you

Ps. Y/n♡




It took me a while to understand what she was talm bout and when i did, I went to go look fo ha.

I called everybody i called Ben first and he told me he aint know. I called her best friend Jayda and she aint know either. I called the whole squad and they aint know either.




"Y/N OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR!" I said while banging on ha door. I was outside of her house but she aint respond. I used a spare key and unlocked the door and ran in.

It was silent...hella silent. I walked in and i aint here nothin. I walked upstairs and checked every room. She wasn't there. I checked the bathroom, garage, kitchen, livin room, and the closet. The fuckin closet and she wasn't there.



If i don't get ha back...





ima lose my damn mind.








I knocked on Kentrell's door but nobody answered. I knocked again and i aint here nothin.


I sighed while lookin for my spare key he gave me and i opened the door. Everything was a mess. Some of the walls were messed up and some had holes. There was dried blood and some drinks on the table.

I walked upstairs to Kentrells room with some Jackinthebox. I know this nigga can't get her out of his head but sooner or later if she really wanna move on he gon have to let ha go.

I knocked on the door loudly and i could hear him shifting a bit.

Kentrell i got you some food. Ima come in and give it to you.

I went to open the door but it was locked.



I sighed knowin the nigga aint gon open the door.

Here ima leave the food right here. When i come back later i wanna see it gone.

I went downstairs and locked the door while headin to my place.

It's been about 3 weeks and 4 days since Y/n left and Kentrell hadn't been good since then. He had a lot of outbursts and then just shut down. He avoided all of us and didn't care no mo. He stopped eatin so we all have to come here to force him.
We just don't know any mo we all worried about him but he won't let us help em.


Kentrell pov

I'm lost, and tired...I haven't let anybody in. That shit fucked with my head. I've been lookin for ha but ion know where she even is no mo.

But I gotta keep lookin...

Cuz a nigga not gon give up on whats his..


edit- maybe?

Double Update Don't Start XD


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