Chapter one

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"Come on Y/N" Glimmer yells trying to me out of my room. In all honesty, I don't really feel like moving. "I'm fine right here actually" I call back burying my face into my pillow. 

I'm pretty good friends with Glimmer and Bow. We've been friends for a few months after they found me. I kind of grew up in the Whispering Woods alone after my parents gave up on me, or so I think they did. I've never met my parents, for all I know, they could be dead. I guess I don't care enough either, not once have I searched for them, or even for any clues. I'm quite happy here, with my new friends, enjoying my life. 

"Get up before I make you get up" Glimmer was now in my room poking me, which I do not enjoy.

 "Quite it, I SAID STOP. HAHA, GLIMMER STOP" I shout gasping for air after being pocked and tickled. "You're so annoying," I say while getting up from my bed. It's too early for this, it's too early for anything really. I guess I'm up now though, yay. 

"So Y/N come walk with Bow and me." Glimmer asked while turning towards the door, she didn't give me much of a choice. I got dressed and met them outside by the forest. I grew up in there, yet still manage to get lost. It's a strange place for sure. We chat a little while walking further into the woods. Glimmer is grounded, but I guess she hates taking no for an answer. 

"So Y/N, why have you been spending so much time alone recently?" Bow asked walking beside me. I shrugged my shoulders, "not feeling up for adventuring I guess" I shot him a small smirk before he threw his hands. "That's insane! You love adventuring!" This is true, I do love it with a passion. "I really don't know Bow, I'm just all over right now, you know?" I replied and no one spoke back. I guess we all felt the same thing, maybe it was exhaust or even boredom. 

Glimmer goes to open her mouth but before she does I place my hand over it. "Sh" I remove my hand while creeping up behind a bush. The two others look at each other before following me. On the other side was a female. She had blonde hair in a ponytail and wore what looked to be a redshirt in the horde colours. I could just see the feeling in Glimmers eyes, I guess I have to go along with her plan. We begin running around chasing the girl around for what felt like ages. I lunged for the sword and so did she, then colliding our heads. I'm not the strongest, and I don't have the best pain tolerance either. I continue to curl up into a ball while holding my head with my hands. Hearing the others fight around me made me anxious. I guess I was kind of afraid. I finally got up and went to a tree and sat down. Watching the three as they fought and tumbled around each other. After a while, Glimmer got her hands on the sword, and the blondie had her hands tied behind her back, looking so helpless. I walked over as they talked, mostly yelling. 

"She's kinda pretty," I said placing my hand on Glimmer's shoulder. All I got was a side-eye and a small punch in the arm. I didn't lie though, it was true, this girl was pretty.

 Bow and Glimmer went to speak elsewhere leaving me with the blondie. I sat down in front of her. "Why hello there" I spoke, yet she totally ignored me. "I'm Y/N, and you are?" I asked yet she continued to ignore me. I quickly got fed up with it. I poked her nose lightly gaining her attention, "And you are..?" I said in a harsher tone of voice. She finally gave in, "Adora." She said, obviously not wanting to talk. I got up and walked to the back of her, softly grabbing a piece of hair. It was soft and nice to the touch. "Can you not" She bite back wiggling away a bit, of course, her hands were tired, therefore she couldn't do much. I rolled my eyes going back in front of her, gently grabbing her chin making her look up at me. "You're pretty cute for a horde spy" I winked, knowing I caught her off guard. "For the last time, I am not a spy!" She replied trying to get my hand off her chin. I released it, making her drop her head. 

Bow and Glimmer came back after their chat, obviously knowing what I did. "Y/N let's not flirt with a spy" She stated as Bow helped Adora up. "I was bored okay, it gave me something to do" I laughed a bit at my response before going to walk beside Adora.

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