16 Years Old Continued

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Music was booming around the house and random people littered every space they could squeeze in too.

I hadn't been back home since my little discussion with my Mum and had been crashing with Reece and his brother Owen.

Owen was in the same line of business as me, so he had no problem with me staying. His only condition was I gave him a small cut of my profits to cover the bills which I easily agreed to.

It was Saturday so naturally Owen was throwing a house party which almost every 16 year old in Dundee was invited too.

There were loads of older people too since they were Owen's age but I knew most of them from the drug circuit.

Some girl was dancing all provocatively in front of where I sat in the front room but I couldn't care less about what she was doing.

I was merely staring at my cup of beer and swirling it's contents around. Usually I was always up for a party, but for some reason tonight I wasn't feeling it.

It might have been for the sheer fact this was the third night in a row Owen had thrown a party and I was tired, but I had a gut feeling it was something else.

"Hey Leo, we're going out the back, wanna come?" Reece shouted over the music, his head peering around the corner of the doorway and beckoning for me to follow him.

Deciding whatever he was calling me for was better than watching this girl try to impress me, I downed the rest of my beer and followed the direction Reece went in.

Every so often someone would say hello to me and I would just nod in return, not bothering to speak to them since I didn't know half of them.

The heat of the crowded bodies was starting to get to me and I brushed my hair out of my face and tied it into a loose bun so the strands wouldn't stick to my clammy forehead.

I rolled up the sleeves of my long-sleeved t-shirt too to let some air onto my arms.

Reece dragged me to Owen's room on the second floor and I already wasn't looking forward to going considering the smell that was lingering in the air the closer I got to the door.

As soon as the door swung open, I didn't want to be a part of what was going on.

There were around 4 guys and a girl, all sitting in random places of the room, shooting up on what I guessed was heroin.

"You know I don't deal with this stuff Reece, not this time." I'd placed my arm on his shoulder to garner his attention but it was already caught by his brother who was currently doing a line of coke on his bed.

"Hey boys, want some powder?" He grinned, his fingertips rubbing at his nose as he passed the small bag of white powder to his brother.

Reece gladly accepted it but I stood still. Yes, I may be a dealer and smoke weed every so often, but I wouldn't do things like this.

"Leo?" Owen questioned, moving past his brother to stand in front of me.

Owen was 24 years old. He was also a lot taller and leaner than me.

"I'm good." I replied, flashing a quick, partly sarcastic smile at him.

I went to turn around and leave but Owen's grip on my arm halted me from doing so.

"Why you being such a killjoy? Have some fun." Owen replied, flashing the same smile right back at me.

Looking past him, I noticed Reece had already snorted some of the white powder and began rubbing at his nose like Owen did to flick off any excess.

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