Meeting The Coffee Guy

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You had fallen asleep for the whole car trip and had only woken up to get food. Of course. When you arrived to your new house you were woken up by your sisters screaming "We're here finally". You opened your eyes and fixed them on the house, more like mansion, infront of you. "Mum how did you afford this place its huge and looks really expensive" your sister Brooke asked your mum. It was like she read your mind and took the words right out of your mouth. "Well I didn't actually pay for it. My boss did but that doesn't mean anything" your mum replied making us all crack up laughing. Your mum's boss had a massive crush on her it was really funny. 

You jumped out of the car and litterally skipped up to the front door. There was a note on it saying. 

Dear  Brooke, Chloe, Emma, Jorydn, Paige and of course the lovely Abby,

I welcome you to your new home. I hope you like the looks of it so far. Call me when you get this message as I will be sending a limo around to come and show you all around Bristol. I would love to be there to greet you but running a successful buisness means time and money, you know how it is. Hope to see you soon.

Love William Alabama.

'Oh great' you thought to yourself while reading the note. This guy is a douche if he thinks he can just buy us fancy mansions and send a limo to show us around and think that your mum would actually like him back. NO WAY!! Mum called Willcor Willy as you like to call him and a few minutes later a white limo pulled up outside of your house and showed you around. Along the way you noticed a small coffee shop just around the corner of your house. It looked really cosy and warm. 

When you finally got home after a few hours it was 10am. You decided to go in and unpack your stuff and help your younger twin sisters Jorydn and Paige unpack as well. They were only 6 so you didn't mind. Your mum was struggling up the stairs of this 4 story mansion carrying Brooke and Chloe your older twin sisters bags. "Mum why are you carrying Brooke and Chloe's bags, shouldn't they be doing that themselvesthey are 21 I'm pretty sure they can take care of themselves can't they" you asked your mum while running up to help her before she fell over. "I..told...ah...thanks, I told them that they could have a look around the house and that I would take their bags for them" your mum was alwayshelping out others and never caring about herself. you finished helping out your mum and your sisters, yes all of them, and it was now 12 o clock so you decided to go grab some lunch for everyone since there was no food. You touched up your make up and sprayed a bit more perfume on your body then grabbed your phone and left your house. You didn't have a car so you had to walk. It was a really hot day and a bit hummid you could actually see the thick air not like usual. 

You arrived at the coffee shop and went inside. Ahhh you sighed in joy as you closed the door. It was so nice and cool in there because of the fans and the air-con. You walked up to the counter and looked at the menu. An extremely sexy, gorgeous, hansome, hot, cute, pretty much there is not just one word to describe how perfect he was, guy about your age was standing there with a sweet but a the same time cheeky smile on his face. You blushed when you saw him and suddenly felt embarrased because he noticed and winked at you. "What can i get you babe" he asked. 'OMG he called me babe and he winked at me and he has such a sexy voice, Emma calm down' you thought realising he was awaiting your answer. "Oh ummm could I please get an ice tea thanks" you said shyly looking awkwardly at him. You glanced down at his name tag which read George. He smirked at you and you could tell he knew you thought he was cute. "Yes of course you can gorgeous". "Uh....oh um thanks. How much do I owe y- oh shit I left my wallet at home I'll just run back and grab it I won't be a sec" you said feeling really embarrased. "No wait don't worry about it. It's on the house and besides if you went home I wouldn't be able to look at your pretty face and you wouldn't be able to look at me and we don't want that to happen do we babe" he gave you another cheeky smirk and an extra cheeky wink that made your heart melt. You couldn't reply to that because you would say something stupid so you just did the sexiest laugh you could and nodded your head. "I'll be right back with your ice tea. You can take a seat, well anywhere you like seeing as we are the only two here. Won't be long" he said and then turned around to make your ice tea.

You sat down at the table closest to the counter and watched him make your drink. His muscules were almost popping out of his tight shirt and when he flexed you just wanted to lick them. He came over to you holding your drink. He sat down opposite you and winked. "Here you go darling a cold drink for a hot girl". "Thanks" you said looking down at your drink and then taking a sip of it. It was so yummy. "i'm George" he said sticking his hand out for me to shake. "Emma.... my names Emma" you said shakily as you took his soft hand and shook it. It was like a babies bottom. "How come I've never seen you before. I thought I knew everyone in this part of Bristol" George said as he crossed his arms on the table and moved forward a bit. "Well actually I just moved here today. I've only been here for a few hours." George looked at you shocked. "Have you seen much of this place yet" he asked you. "No not really. I did have a small tour but it was really boring and they showed us around to fast I didn't really get to see much" you said taking another sip of your ice tea. "How about when I get off my shift I show you around. How does that sound?" George asked smileing at you and looking in your eyes which made you blush. "That would be fantastic" you replied smiling back at him. You sat there talking about your lives untill you had finished your ice tea. "Well I should probabyly get back to my family and make sure they haven't destroyed the house while I was gone" you stood up and grabbed your phone. "Well can I get your numer so I can text you when I get off of work" George asked standing up aswell. He handed you his phone and you gave him yours. You both put your numbers into each others phones and gave them back. "Ok great I guess I'll see you soon. Thanks for the drink it was really yummy" you said walking towards the door. "No problem. See ya soon". you both waved goodbye and gave one last smile to each other. You pretty much ran back home to get ready for seeing George again.

When you got home your mum called you into the kitchen. It was a struggle to find it in the massive house but you managed. "Where is the food sweety" she asked you. "Oh shit I forgot to get it it's just I met this guy and we-" "I don't like you using that language but it's great that you are already finding yourself a boyfriend" your mum cut you off playfully hitting you at the end of her sentense. "Mum he is not my boyfriend and what are we going to do about lunch anyways" "I'll order some chinese food from that place down the road and you and your sisters can go pick it up for me while I enjoy our new home" "Ok mum but when your at work we get to enjoy the house too ok". Your mum smiled and called up the chinese place after taking 10 minutes to find the phone book and the home phone.

"Brooke, Chloe, Jorydn, Paige, hurry up we are going to pick up the food. Come on let's go" you yelled up the stairs not knowing where in the house they were. It was only then that you realised you hadn't even had a proper look around the house yet. You have only seen the bedrooms and the downstairs rooms which consisted of the kitchen, a dining room, a games/entertainment room, a tv room and outside there was a massive swimming pool, a jacuzzi and an area to entertain guests. When your sisters finally came downstairs you left and went to get your lunch even though it was now 3 o clock and lunch is at 12.

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