The Land Of The [No Names]

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Previously, Raph challenged Shirayasha to a Danmanku battle to see if she was fit to be the East Side's manager and strongest person. A danmanku battle is basically a battle that uses anything that can be used as projectiles.

Examples are; Raph's Tiny Lobelias, Lotus Barrels, Sword Iris and even Iggy. The normal danmanku is basically a bullet of any size, shape and color. In this book, you are allowed to use physical means of attack alongside the danmanku, essentially making this part a Touhou fighting game throwback.

Shirayasha : I see... Well, then. I shall do my best!

The girl pulled out a card that transported them to the place where the danmanku battle will happen.

Jay, Knife, Jeerie, Izayoi, Asuka, Black Rabbit and Kasukabe were at the sidelines, protected by a barrier that Raph set up

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Jay, Knife, Jeerie, Izayoi, Asuka, Black Rabbit and Kasukabe were at the sidelines, protected by a barrier that Raph set up.

Shirayasha : Alright then, Raphael Alucard. Show me your true strength.

Raph : Ara, ara~. Hmhmhm... Hahaha... You have a stern sense of humor, I see. Let's see if you are a match for it. TABOO "CRANBERRY TRAP"!

Blue and pink bullets spread out from the sides and we're aiming for Shirayasha. The aforementioned person dodged the bullets as she used her own attack, but to no avail as Raph simply used Iggy to block it.

The 20,000 year old vampire of the night used his next spell card : Secret "And Then There Will Be None?". He rushes forward, using his wings towards the girl before dispersing into bullets that follow Shirayasha's every move.

Shirayasha : *dodge* Agh! You little trickster.

Raph : *voice echoes* Hehehe... You are trapped... I can see you very clearly... For your blood shall be mine to drink away in my castle.

The blue line of danmanku bullets stopped, but another came in to the picture, same did another line, and so on. Shirayasha was trapped in the middle when she saw a little escape route poking out of the bullets threatening for her to lose.

As soon as she did, however, red bullets appeared and closed in to the center in a large square shape. She dodged it, but there's another set of blue danmanku bullets, grouped in two, two sets of bullets went to the sides and another to either up or down.

Shirayasha dodged yet again, but this time, green bullets appeared as a mix of the red and blue bullets' behaviors. The bullets themselves were moving up and down while floating to the side, with another set doing the same, but going up or down.

Shirayasha : I can do this all day!!

Raph : *reappears* Very well, then... Q.E.D. "Ripples Of 20,000 Years"!

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