Chapter 1

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Olivia's POV

"UGH am gonna miss u a lot Jackson!!" I said while wrapping my arms around him and crushing him into a bear hug.

"me too sis but it's for the best" he replied while hugging me tightly.

I bet ur confused. well u see my brother is a business men he goes in alot of long business trips and is barely home but I still love him and I know he loves me no matter what.

So he thought it would be best if after I graduate I Go to aunt Helen in London. and here I am in Nottingham airport ready to go to London.

"can all passengers for flight Z53 to London Go to gate 4 please. thank you." the intercom voice said.I looked up at my brother and kissed him on the cheek which he gratefully returned back.

I hugged him one last time and shouted at his face "I WILL MISS YOU" which earned wierd looks from people around us.

"I will miss you too sis!!" he shouted back as I walked to the gate.

I gave the lady the tickets. then she gave me a wierd look which obviously confused me. After she was finished she said "Enjoy your first class seats to London" with a warm smile. I obviously looked angry because I "already" told my brother not to give me first class seats and waste his money but obviously him being the arrogant tramp he did. But I quickly replaced my scowl into a warm smile and said "thanks."

I walked in the plane and noticed there are 5 hooded guys sitting next to my seat..I was scared out of my life so I cautiously walked past them and saw one of the guy's face which oddly looked familiar. He looked startled at first but then went to his mates and whispered to them which made me more suspicious about them being rapist and thinking that are planning to rape me.

I put my bag in the drawer above my seat and sat down anxiously waiting for take off which I really don't like.

"can all passengers take seats for take off" a feminine voice ordered from the intercom. The boys stopped talking and went to thier seats and one of them was next to me. we sat in an uncomfortable awkward silence but then it was replaced by the plane shaking.

The plane moved faster and faster ready to take off then after a couple of seconds we were in mid air flying.

After a couple of minutes I had the need to Go to the toilet. So I excused myself so I can pass through the boy which he guaranteed.I went to the toilet and suddenly felt relaxed for 2 reasons:

1) I was scared out of my life from the boy.

2)because am finally in the toilet.

I got out then saw Messi. OMG it's messi the footballer god I love him. I have to get his autograph I though as I walked towards him. I took my notepad and pen which I keep just incase to make note of anything.

"Can I have your autograph please!!" I shouted with excited eyes which got alot of people looking at me to see the mysterious famous person is.

"Sure" he said with a bright smile. "to... ".he started again waiting for me to say my name. "SCARLET!" I beamed which got glares from people who were asleep and chuckles from the boys. "okay to Scarlet my first female fan to ask me for an autograph" as he wrote it down. He looked up and gave me my notepad and pen back with a bright smile. I did a happy dance and went to my seat.

"someone seems happy".the boy next to me said. "you don't even know how much am happy right now because I saw messi" I said with wide excited eyes looking at him which earned a chuckle.

I looked up to see the other boys watching me with amusement. but God their faces looked extremely familiar I thought with a confused look on my face. I then turned to the boys and said "why do you look oddly familiar" I said with curious eyes. I notices all the boys seemed to stiffen then one of them said "promise not to freak out okay" he said with so much concern on his I voice I began to get more curious.

"okay pinky promise" I said to him with wide curious eyes while holding my pinky to him which he wrapping around his finger on.

"okay so we are one direction" he whispered so no one can here and waiting for any fangirling moment but he recieved none.

"OKAY" I beamed which received shocked and confused look from them but I shrugged it off.


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