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Jimin did not resent himself, nor Taehyung.

He was glad Taehyung did what he did. It enlightened him on his manic behaviors.

Whether or not he chose to acknowledge it. Still, he was left unaware of his sadism.

Or bloodlust. Not that he was the one prone to that.

He wasn't.

"Morning Jimin."

Jimin sat at the couch, finding the reflective glass in front of him more alluring than he should have.

Maybe not the glass, but rather the person inside it.

"Morning." He said back, neglecting the approach of Taehyung behind him.

Taehyung took his hands at Jimin's shoulders, caressing harshly to temper his lack of movement.

"Do you remember anything." Taehyung asked, easily.

Very sudden and blunt, but predictable.

Jimin was trying.

"I am thinking now. I find it easier whenever I study my reflection. It makes it simple for me to perceive myself and what I forget." Jimin should have expressed himself more.

Because Taehyung was finding himself struggling to understand what Jimin was saying.

But it was easy to find comprehension once he remembered how closely related their mindsets were.

Jimin never found that out. Yet.

"You find it resolving." Taehyung nodded, letting go.

Jimin did.

It had helped, Jimin had now found a familiar face within his thinking. 

The face was dull and inexpressive. It didn't say much, neither did it present a harmless intent.

Jimin knew someone like that.


But he was naive and it always took him far too long to string together the information given to him.

Taehyung walked around to sway in front of Jimin.

Jimin looked away from the mirror. He had seen enough of what he was willing to give himself.

Taehyung's injured hand was well-wrapped. Most likely done by Namjoon.

The blood was dry. Nothing would spill out.

What a shame.

"Does the face validate your comprehension?" Taehyung bent down, tilting his head as Jimin narrowed his glaring towards him.

Taehyung knew what Jimin was thinking.


But he was lacking the clarity and failed to present a fixed face on an emotional impression.

"Mhm." Jimin did not nod. He was as still as the man who stared back at him.

Taehyung's irregular eyes were peaking an appeal from Jimin who had never been this attentive.

He wanted to think some more.

How many times has Taehyung scarred himself.

Maybe there was a relation between that and the face.

Twice? Three times?

He had seen Taehyung's internal structure often.

The bone in his hands and face.

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