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Farrow Littrix

The beat of footsteps against the stone stairs shuffle closer and the hunter emits a low growl of warning behind you as he continues to work on opening the cell door

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The beat of footsteps against the stone stairs shuffle closer and the hunter emits a low growl of warning behind you as he continues to work on opening the cell door.. "Two guards.." It is as though he can see around corners, yet you find that at his words you too are suddenly able to differentiate between the two sets of boots that approach..

One set is heavy and careless, while the other is less so..

You lift the heavy bow higher, drawing the arrow back as far as the strength of your arms will allow you.. You breath deeply, calming your racing pulse and clearing your mind.. Just as the first guard steps around the corner, his eyes go wide in shock right as you exhale a slow breath, steady your aim and loose your arrow..

To your own surprise your aim strikes true to target.. The arrow torpedoing through the air and peircing the guard's skull directly through the socket of his right eye, felling him instantly.. There is a shout and a commotion on the stairwell when you feel Stryker return swiftly to your side..

You hand him back his bow and he lines up his own shot, fining on the second guard who dares to peek his head around the corner.. Strykers arrow lands centered to his forehead and his lifeless body tumbles to the landing.. "We must leave, Princess.. More will follow.."

Turning you see Kylo, now free from the cell, standing behind you.. His distrustful eyes fixed on Stryker, he looks as though he would like nothing more than to take a swing at the shadow hunter... But there is no time for his nonsense.."Kylo.. Where is Karina?"

You step between the two of them and Kylo peels his eyes from Stryker to glare at you.. "Mavrek has taken her to the chantry, where she is to be baptised into The Arc of the Ancients.."

You frown, not understanding this revelation, since the King had always dispised The Order that calls themselves The Arc of the Ancients..

Like most, Yorjan feared the cultish Sect and their ties to the magics of the Ancient ones, those almost as old as the gods themselves.. But, the Arc was always welcome in Vatre, for they served a particularly purpose.. One that has always allowed their preists to move freely among the four realms.. Even through the cursed lands of the Draugr King, Dynast Diablo.. Ruler of the shadow realm, gatekeeper to the infernal regions..

The Arc Preists duty, is said to be to exorcise and ferry lost souls to the shadow realm.. Though all you know of them for certain is that they are heavily in favour of flesh and blood sacrifice, and wild superstition..

You follow closely behind Stryker as he makes his way toward the stairs, careful checking that the coast is clear... Taking your mothers dagger, you hand the blade to Kylo, before drawing your phoenix sword.. Treading lightly as a mouse..

"I thought the Royal's hated The Arc?" You whisper and Kylo grunts in return..

"So did I.. But, apparently the Prince is an adamant believer in their teachings and prophosies, likely due to the fact they favour him as some kind of 'demi-God' for he bears the Ancients markings... He has appointed Arc Priest Wulf as the head of Vatre's Church... The Order of the Arc are more powerful than ever.."

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