9. besties with jimin

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me, jisoo and jennie unnie we're snuggling ourselves on my couch watching tv while waiting for rosé to arrive. rosé is always the one who's always late but we love her.

"where is rosé, our drinks would not be that cold if she'll arrive too late." jennie unnie said, yawning, while looking at her watch.

jisoo made herself more comfortable on her seat, "let's wait a little longer, besides she's bringing a friend, maybe her friend is the who's late." jisoo chuckled because rosé is getting blamed at.

10 minutes passed rosé finally arrived, "omg, guys. i'm so sorry for being late. the traffic is crazy." rosé said.

we turned our heads to rosé and saw a boy standing behind her, so i couldn't really see him.

"who's that behind you, is he shy or something?" jennie being jennie. rosé turned around and softly pushed the boy to the front.

omg, it's jimin. "JIMIN-SSI?" i said while pointing at him and my other hand covering my mouth.

"LISA-SSI?" jimin replied.

rosé stepped forward confused, "you both know eachother??" i looked at my unnies who was also confused.

"yes, we met through a mutual friend." jimin said and i nodded, agreeing.

"wow, what a small world." jisoo said turning her head back on the tv screen, "we should eat, the food is getting cold." jennie said standing up to go to the kitchen and jisoo unnie went with her to prepare the food.

rosé and jimin sat down on my couch to make themselves comfortable, "i thought jisoo unnie couldn't make it." rosé said.

"yeah, i thought so too. she said her shoot got canceled so she went here with jennie unnie." i explained and rosé nodded.

i looked at jimin looking like a lost child, "jimin, are you good?" i asked him making sure he's comfortable since it's my house after all.

jimin nodded, "yeah i'm good, you got a lovely home." he said while looking around.

"thanks! by the way, how did you two meet?" i asked both rosé and jimin and they looked at eachother wondering who should answer the question.

"uh, we met at this music shop i told you about, but you never come with me." rosé decided to reply with a pouty lips on. i can't with rosé.

"yah! it's because you always go there around 12 am!" i excused myself. around 12 am i just wanna stay at home and relax, you know?

before rosé could say something jimin interrupted, "call me when you would like to go there again. i'm always free." jimin said with a wink.

hello??? i'm here. am i third wheeling right now.

i noticed rosé blushed and i laughed at her, "omg? rosé you are blushing!!" rosés eyes widen, probably silently telling me to shut up.

"what?? no i am not! come here jimin, lets go to the dinning area." rosé said while dragging jimin with him and i followed them softly laughing at rosé.

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