chapter one

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All I need to do is keep my head up.

I remind myself of this repeatedly, even when the Soldiers either side of my body shove me forward, even when the feeling of what they are about to do to me weighs down on my shoulders.

The metal of the restraints around my wrists bites into my skin painfully as I continue to walk down this expansive hallway. The air feels too hot against my skin, despite the cool wind forcing its way through the cracks in the windows. I can feel my strength being sucked out of my body the longer I feel the warm metal rubbing against the already-sore flesh. I've seen other Freaks try to pull their restraints apart, but the result is far worse than it seems. The magnetic force keeping the metal together is important for the Soldiers, but a nuisance for us. There is a sensor somewhere in these things that can detect when we try to detach the magnetism. Once that happens, an electric shock rips right from the cuffs and shoots up your arms until it ends at the tips of your toes, the currents almost strong enough to stop your heart. The pain settles there, against your chest, until all you can do is fall to your knees and wish for it to be over. I've seen it happen to a Freak once, and it wasn't a nice thing to see.

So, since then, I've never tried to pry them apart.

When they first caught me, they clasped the thick metal bracelets on my wrists that are almost useless when turned off, but when the Soldier activated them, there was a huge pull as my limbs were snapped together by a magnetic force. The sensor activated with a small, almost inaudible beep.

And they stopped me from using my abilities against them, even with the sensor turned off.

As they drag me further down this corridor, I maintain my dignity by keeping my head held high, ready to face my timely demise for being who I am.

A Freak.

But inside, my heart is hammering so hard against my chest that I'm not sure if the Soldiers next to me can hear it. Even if they do, they don't seem to care as they pull my arms a little bit harder, dragging me forward at the same pace as them.

I look over both of the men next to me, because this is the last time I will see them, see all of the Soldiers. This is the last time I will see these hallways again. I wish my last scenery was a nice one, not something I was forced into by these people.

I can feel the build-up of sweat along the back of my neck the closer I get to the entrance of the prison. I force my feet to slow down, but the Soldiers will not stop as they continue to drag me along.

"Move faster, Freak," the Soldier to my left snaps, not bothering to look in my direction as he says it. He pulls me harder than the other Soldier, making me jerk forward. My restraints almost pry apart with the force of the sudden movement, but I keep my hands steady.

How fast will my heart continue to beat? I want it to slow down so I can focus on my thoughts and everything else around me. All I can hear in my ears is my heavy breathing and my heartbeat pounding against my chest and the throbbing of my wrists against the restraints and nothing else.

A bead of sweat trails down the back of my neck as I watch the entrance doors come into view just at the end of the hallway. Whatever is beyond that I will have to face on my own. But my heart has never been so fast before and I don't think I will ever be able to breathe normally again.

I can't focus.

The doors start to blur and I'm glad the Soldiers next to me aren't looking at my face, at whatever emotion it may hold. We get closer, the faded blue doors no longer separate, but blended into one; one colour, one object.

One step away from my death.

We reach the doors quickly. The Soldiers push them open and we are outside without them even thinking about how much internal pain it's causing me. They don't know how hard my heart is beating against my ribcage, so much that it feels like it will just break apart. It's the only thing my ears can concentrate on as I stare at everything with a sense of detachment. I can feel the pulse in my throat so much I can hear it, the pain unbearable as I swallow the dryness in my mouth, on my lips.

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