Ch. 11 Operation Ozpin

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Your POV

The Next Day

Neo, Sky, Torchwick, and I met up by my hideout. We managed to sneak on board a Bullhead heading to Beacon. When we got there, Neo used her Semblance to change her appearance along with Roman's. When we got to Beacon Academy, we met a teacher with blonde hair and glasses. She looked at us and said, "Might I ask who you four are and what your business is for being here?" I smirked and said, "Who we are isn't important. We have some urgent information regarding the safety of Beacon. We need to speak with Professor Ozpin immediately." The woman looked at us briefly and said, "His office is on the top floor of Beacon Tower." I tipped the brim of my fedora and said, "Thanks." She rolled her eyes and walked away. I turned to the others amd said, "You heard the lady, let's go." We headed to the tower and entered the elevator. As soon as the elevator doors closed, I turned to Neo and Roman and said, "Alright, Neo, you can drop the illusion." She nodded and both her and Roman's appearances changed back to normal.

When the elevator reached the top floor and the doors finally opened, we saw Professor Ozpin himself sitting at his desk. He turned in his chair and his eyes went wide at the sight of Torchwick. Before he could call for help, I stopped him and said, "Ozpin, before you call for backup and have us arrested, we have some important information to share with you. It's regarding the safety and future of Beacon Academy." He raised an eyebrow and said, "I'm listening." I smiled and said, "We used to be criminals, but we recently learned that our current employer is planning on double crossing us and we'd like to make a deal." Ozpin clasped his hands together and said, "What kind of deal?" I took a deep breathe and said, "In exchange for our employer's evil plans, we'd like for our criminal records to be cleared, so that we may live as plain citizens or Huntsmen. Plus we have proof of what we know." Ozpin paused for a moment before he said, "Alright, but I want to hear these plans and see your evidence before I make my decision." I nodded and said, "Of course, our employer is working for a woman named Salem. I'm sure you're familiar with that name, yes?" He nodded slowly and I continued, "Well, one of Salem's followers named Cinder Fall, is planning on ruining this school's reputation and destroying it. She plans on hacking into the Vytal Festival's database and cheating the random opponent selection. She also plans on framing students by making them see hallucinations. Her lackeys that will infiltrate Beacon with her are Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black. My girlfriend, Neo, here overheard them discussing the plan and the idea of making us take the blame for it."

Ozpin scrunched up his face slightly and said, "I see. Well, as detailed as this all sounds, I must say, your evidence must be quite trustworthy." I nodded and said, "Neo, if you would." She nodded, placed her Scroll on the desk, and pressed play. Cinder's discussion with Emerald and Mercury about her plans to destroy Beacon Academy began to play from Neo's Scroll. Once the video had finished, Ozpin looked at us and said, "Well, it seems that you four are correct. I must say that I never thought that the Roman Torchwick amd the Blitz Bandit would become good guys. But as it seems your evidence will help save the school. So thank you. I will get your criminal records cleared immediately. You have helped saved us and the school." We nodded and went back into the elevator. When the elevator doors closed, I said, "That went perfect." Roman nodded and said, "It actually felt nice to do something good like this." Neo nodded and hugged me. I ruffled her hair and said, "We did it, Neo."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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