Puzzles & Flashbacks

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Hey guys! Thank you so much on the positive feedback on the first trial! I was worried it was too long. But I have ideas for other stories as well if you guys would like me to make those as well!

I wake up to the Monokuma announcement saying that it is now 8 am. I stay laying down, I feel so drained. I see Korekiyos arm is still wrapped around me, my cheeks get hot. How was he comfy like that? "Are you awake?" Korekiyo asks.

How could he even tell? He wasn't even facing me. "Oh, yeah, but I'm honestly still really tired so I'm probably gonna sleep more unless Monokuma threatens me." I joke.

"Hmm makes sense alright try to get up in the next hour or so, I will find you a meal at the cafe." Korekiyo says getting up.

"Thanks." I say smiling.

He puts on his jacket pats my head and then leaves. I laid there but now I couldn't even sleep , I just stared at the clock to watch time go by. I groan and finally get out of bed, and look for my clothes. Where the hell are they? I finally find them neatly folded with a note. "I washed these for you, I hope it's not weird, think of it as a kind gesture. - Korekiyo." The note makes me smile, why is he so kind? I put the clothes on and walk out of Korekiyos room, only to be met with Kokichi as soon as I walk out we both freeze when we see each other. How do i even explain this to him like cmon, it's Kokichi. "Hey y/n..." Kokichi says slowly.

"Hey Kokichi..." I say back.

"Do I even wanna ask?" Kokichi asks staring.

"Just act like we never ran into each other please." I say embarrassed.

"Nehehe sure I coulddd do that but what would you do for me?" Kokichi said walking around me.

I don't know what he was getting at but I wasn't liking it. "What would someone like you even want?" I ask.

"Hmm, can't tell if that was an insult or not but oh well! Just find me a grape Fanta and this whole thing that just went down, never happened." Kokichi said smiling.

A grape Fanta. Couldn't he find that himself? "Deal." I say and we shake hands.

Kokichi then skips away without a care in the world. I head in the same direction as Kokichi since it seemed he was heading to the cafe as well. I finally get there and see Korekiyo, and sit next to him. "I got you soup, I hope that's fine." Korekiyo says handing me the bowl.

"Oh thanks, I Honestly love soup." I say smiling.

I hear Keebo in a panic but I try to tune him out. "But who would try and hide writing in the grass?" Keebo says.

Keebo is right that is a little weird. "Wait what do you mean hidden in the grass?" I ask looking at Keebo.

"Don't listen to this robot. He saw graffiti, it's one of the many things you mortals enjoy doing." Gundham says.

"Hey that's robophobic! I won't tolerate that!" Keebo says pointing at Gundham.

"Atua says it's nothing to worry about as well!" Angie says smiling.

Gundham just glares at Angie and doesn't say a word, maybe he finally stopped arguing cause he thought it was useless. As we were all talking we hear the doors open, I look over to see Kaito and Shuichi walking in. Shuichi didn't even have his signature hat... I didn't think it would affect him as badly as it did. "Good morning..." Shuichi says looking down.

"Good morning Shuichi..." I say smiling at him.

I have no idea how Shuichi feels, he could be a whole new person now. "Look! Shuichi. Isn't emo anymore! You think after Kaede died he would be MORE emo." Kokichi said smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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