Chapter Three

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      I slowly make my way down the corridor, dragging my feet behind me as I go. I had awoken to feel drained, having slept restlessly the night before. The pit in my stomach didn't help with my mood much, either. I was on my way to the great hall, where I would meet the princess in a few brief minutes. Edgar, our oldest palace guard, accompanied me. He doesn't speak often, and the silence is tearing at my eardrums. Some part of me wishes Eli was the one walking beside me, but I know I've made the right decision.

     We turn a corner, and I am presented with yet another set of colossal doors. All these doors get tiring after a while. I inhale deeply. I am not at all prepared for this, but then again, will I ever be? Edgar steps forward, pulling the door open and standing aside for me to walk through. He keeps his eyes on the ground as I step past him into the great hall. Before I get the chance to so much as blink, my mother is by my side.

     "Heaven's darling, I was beginning to worry you'd be late. I was about ready to retrieve you myself." She dusts off my jacket, though I'm certain there were no such imperfections. Not after I had been with the maids all morning, being dressed up like one of Vanellope's dolls. Despite Evangeline's vast efforts, I didn't have a single strand of hair out of place. "The Whites will arrive momentarily. Please keep an open mind, Theodore." My mother smiles at me, grasping one of my hands in her own. I nod in return, not having the energy to fake a smile. I'll have to be doing it for the rest of the evening as it is.

     I take into account the fact that both Liam and Vanellope are absent. I consider asking why, but decide against it, knowing it would do nothing but cause trouble. Though I do wish Vee were here to meet the princess, she'd be an amazing excuse for my minimal interaction. Regardless, I'll have to introduce them at some point. Liam is likely to be interested in meeting her as well, though I'm sure his motives aren't nearly as pure as Vee's.

     My mother opens her mouth to continue speaking, but before she has the chance one of the doors opens slightly, Edgar stepping through the crack. "Sir, the White family has just arrived." He addresses my father, despite my mother being in much closer proximity.

     "Yes, escort them in." My father's voice makes me cringe, and something tells me I'll be hearing a lot of it in the coming hours. Edgar bows before exiting the room, and I take one last profound breath of air. My mother squeezes my hand before releasing it to return to my father's side. I'm standing awkwardly, not sure what to do with myself when the doors open once again. The first to enter are who I presume to be the king and queen of Karnelian. The king is a short man, barely as tall as the woman beside him. She's radiant, her red hair flowing down her back in luscious curls. I can't quite say the same for the king, however. I turn my attention back to the door, where the princess enters behind them. Her hair is in curls as well, but hers are a deep copper. She immediately turns her eyes to where I'm standing, turning her deep pink lips into a smile.

     "Good afternoon, Mister Wilson! It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. And your lovely wife as well." His voice almost startles me; it's overwhelming glee being such a drastic change from my father's.

     "Please," my mother chimes. "Call me Rhea." She smiles sweetly before turning to me. "Theodore darling, come over here, won't you?" As if I wasn't on edge enough, I walk over to stand beside my parents.

     "Theodore, is it? I'm Quinten, and this is Annabella. It's a pleasure." The king, Quinten, extends his hand to me, and I shake it politely. "And this, of course, is my daughter Lynette." He turns to his right, where the princess is suddenly by his side. She smiles at me again, a smile so sweet I can feel a cavity forming in my mouth.

     "I'm thrilled to finally be meeting you," she says, her eyes staring directly into my soul. At first glance, I'd say her eyes are green like her mother's. But now, up close, I can see flakes of purple and gold, something I've certainly never seen before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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