Milk and Cookies

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3rd Person POV

Everyone was woken up by Friday saying Peter's clothes have arrived. Everyone started to get on with their regular morning routines. Well as normal as a morning can go for the Avengers. Everyone went to their floors. They took showers, brushed their teeth and got ready for the day.

On Tony's floor you have Peter trying to convince Mr. Stark that he could run home and get ready. "Mr. Stark I am really grateful for all of this, but you really didn't need to do this." "Kid it's fine. Go brush your teeth, take a shower, change, and then come down to the Avengers floor for breakfast." Peter knew that the billionaire was going to stand his ground, so he did what he was told.

On Bucky and Steve's floor you have the couple arguing about who cooks breakfast for Peter. Bucky beat Steve to the bathroom they share, so Steve went running to the guest bathroom on their floor. They both rushed when changing. Of course Mama Steeb won and was now cooking breakfast on the Avengers floor.

On Natasha's floor she's taking her daily morning shower. She's caught up in her thoughts thinking about how Peter looks so familiar. She brushed off her thought and brushed her teeth. Then she went to change into some bad ass regular clothes she would wear.

Clint was already ready. He was just too hungry, so he rushed everything when getting ready. As he was walking into the Avengers kitchen he got scolded by Steve for wearing dirty clothes and then was sent to his floor to change.

Wanda was nice and ready. Wanda grabbed to control, but then something out of the ordinary happened. Vision was practicing what it was like to be a regular human being and snatched the control from Wanda. Just like Scott and Sam would do to him. Now Wanda had to explain to him that he shouldn't do that.

Scott went back home to see his daughter since yesterday was his last day at the tower. Of course Bruce had to take him since Happy was busy and Scott couldn't drive because he wasn't allowed to drive again. They took one of Bruce's cars and now Scott was rambling about how he would get to see his little peanut.

Sam was called to go back to go back to Washington DC for a mission, so he was driving back. Eventually every Avenger in the Tower and Peter were eating breakfast. Natasha was watching Peter like a hawk. Something was bugging her.

Peter felt sick as he was trying to eat the eggs Steve had cooked. He's always hated onions and was trying to eat the eggs that didn't have onions attached to it. Scrambled eggs with onions were never Peter's favorite combination.

"Are you feeling ok kid? . Do you want something else to eat?" Tony asked while growing worried for the boy. Peter was brought out of his thoughts and began to panic. "Of course not Mr. Stark I-I'm just not hungry this morning but it is a very lovely meal Mr. Rogers" Peter blurted out.

"I don't think he likes scrambled eggs with onions." Natasha said while getting some déjà vu. Tony nearly choked on his eggs which caused Peter to panic even more. "I am so sorry I'll just eat the eggs and of course I like scrambled eggs with onions." Peter said while getting ready to take a bite out of his breakfast.

Everyone was watching Peter as he shoved the eggs into his mouth. "Mmmm yummy" Peter said while trying to convince them and not hurt Steve's feelings. Peter felt nauseous and wanted to spit it out. He was forcing himself to try to swallow it.

Wanda decided to go into his mind and immediately brought a small trash bin with her magic.
Right as the trash bin reached Peter he spit it out. Once his face got out of the trash bin he looked at everyone. Peter's cheeks immediately grew red.

You really messed up this time. Peter thought to himself while mumbling an apology to everyone. "Told you" Natasha said while going to the Pantry and getting Chips Ahoy and a cup of cold milk.

"Here my little Паук. Your favorite snack." Natasha said without even realizing what she had said. Everyone looked at Natasha with shocked expressions. "H-how did you know that Chips Ahoy and cold milk was my favorite snack?" Peter asked looking dumbfounded.

Natasha froze. Not knowing what to say. No one knew what to say. Wanda was confused, so she decided to see what was going on. She then let out a gasp and looked over at Peter. Vision knew exactly what was going on and was trying to get more information on Peter.

"Holy Shit" Clint spoke in utter shock. "Language" Steve said while glaring at Clint. "You thought Peter was him. Didn't you?" Clint stated in a serious tone. "You-" Clint was about to speak once more when Tony spoke up. "Peter you have school today. Eat up your snack and go brush your teeth again when you're done. Happy is taking you to school today." Tony spoke in a shaky voice that he was trying to cover.

Peter simply did what Tony said. He tried to finish as quick as possible. He didn't like the tension going on, so he ate the cookies as quick as he could and chugged the milk. Peter got up to wash the plates but was stopped by Vision that told him he's got it.

Peter went to brush his teeth. Leaving the Avenger in the kitchen alone. "We'll talk about this later" Tony said to the rest of the Avengers. Everyone simply nodded. Once Peter was done he said his goodbyes to everyone and thanked them for everything.

On Peter's way to school he was quiet, and he was scratching his skin. Whenever Peter was quiet it meant something wasn't right Happy thought to himself. He used to be just like that. "Are you alright kid?" Happy asked while trying to keep his voice in a monotone type of way. "Have you ever heard the word Паук?" Peter asked.

Happy froze. Thankful that they were at a red light. That was what Natasha used to call him because he used to climb walls like a spider as a child. Or that's what she said. But it was way more than that. He was like her little child. Her маленький паук.

"No" Happy lied. It hurt to think about him. Just as much as it hurt to talk about him. Peter thanked Happy for the ride when they finally got to school. Time to used Google Translate Peter thought to himself, but first I have to figure out the language.

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