•The beginning•

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The streets from New York, always filled with people...

Most of the time, people don't pay enough attention to their surroundings. They are either busy or in a hurry to care about what's going on, so for a street magician like me, it means double the work to get noticed. Luckily, I've been in the magic business for quite a while, so I know how to get the crowds attention

"It's show time", I smirked, preparing myself

I grabbed my cards and took a deep breath

"Good night New York!! Are y'all ready to see some magic!?", I said loud, gaining some people's attention

A little crowd of people surrounded me. Some adults, teenagers and even kids

"Gather round and prepare to be impressed", I said, "now, who here... believes in magic?"

Most of the people raised their hands, smiling eagerly. I searched through the crowd for my favourite victims, the "nonebelievers", as I call them

In the back was a young couple. The lady was excited, while the man just kept frowning


"Sir, you didn't raise your hand?", I walked towards the man, him nodding, "why that?"

"C'mon, there is no such thing as magic", he scoffed, "and a little girl like you can't make such thing real"

The audience booed the man, making me chuckle

"Hm, I get your point, but I do hope I manage to change your mind today", I smirked, "mind being my volunteer?"

The man sighed, not sure of what to do

"C'mon Henry, it'll be stunning", I said

The man looked at me, surprised that I knew his name

"Fine, but if I prove you wrong, you'll have to give me hundred bucks", he smirked

I didn't have that much money, so I hesitated a bit. But my plan was perfect, so I agreed

"Deal, but if I prove you wrong, you give me hundred bucks", I said, "shouldn't be a problem since you're a business man, huh?"


"Now, Henry, your job is to grab these cards and give each person from this crowd one. They will then hide in in their pockets, bags, whatever", I explained, "while you do that, I will be blindfolded, so that I can't see a thing of what's going on, ok?"

He nodded, grabbing the stack of cards. I put on the blindfold, turning around. After Henry had finished giving the cards, he told me

"Alright, now, Henry, call out any card and I'll have to find out who has it", I said

"Alright, the 5 of diamonds", he said

I put down the blindfold, finally looking at the audience. I then went through the crowd, reaching a little girl

"Hey little one", I smiled, "I believe you have the card I need?"

She gasped surprised, pullig the card out of her pocket. The audience cheered

"That doesn't prove anything, you could've guessed", Henry scoffed

"Alright, what about this?", I said, all the cards suddenly appearing on my hand, "Is that magic?"

Now, he was surprised

"I don't have my card anymore! She really did it!", Someone shouted in the crowd

"So...is that prove enough, Mr. Henry?"

He sighed, pulling out a hundred dollar bill, "here you go"

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