It's been A long 3 weeks since London moved in, I mean everything is actually good but it's just MAYO hoes and baby mama they threatens me and always throwing shots as if me and MAYO is a thing. I know it may seems that way, because when he's not at the trap or taking a couple of hours to fuck some hoe,he's always with us taking us out and stuff.
I guess I'll get my day started as usual, so I went and took a 30 minute shower,brushed my teeth, lotioned up my body. I went ahead and woke the girls up I figure I'd let them bath together to waste time. While they played in the tub I went ahead and took out some bacon, pancakes, grits, and eggs . Went and got the girls dress than I got dressed, I put London hair in a bun, put her on her blues Jean button down shirt, leather black skirt, and her silver shoes, for Pay I braided one side of her hair in one braid left the rest down, put her on an navy blue and white dress with a brown belt around it, with her boots to match, and for myself I wore my hair down Wet and Wavy, with a criss cross white crop top, My High low blue skirt, with my open toe hills, and for make up I just added an light foundation, mascara, filled in my eye brows, and put on some Mack gloss and headed down stairs to start breakfast.
After 30 mins of cooking, I fixed the girls food and sat them down to eat but not before Grace. "So what do you girls want to do today?" "I want to see Kori diamond." "And I want mema." London said. " okay finish your breakfast, clean your rooms, and we'll be on our way." I told them
I went into the living room to call Leslie sister and MAYO mom to make sure it was cool if I drop them off... Luckily they said yes, and they are staying the weekend, so I guess I'll have some me time with my girls. After the girls finished eating I help them clean their room and we finished straighting up the rest of the house. On the way out I decided to stop by and check on MAYO.
We walked into the house, I heard talking in the living room so I grabbed the girls hands Nd led the way there. Walking in we seen mayo, pulla, derrick, and this new guy name Mark one of pulla's friend.
"Uh sorry to disturbed y'all , we was just stopping by before I dropped the girls off." I told them They was all looking at me with lust in their eyes. "Daddy daddy" London ran up to mayo and he swooped her in his arms.
"Aye mayo is this your girl ?" Mark asked. You could tell by the look on his face he was disturbed by the question. "Na she stay in the guest room she helps watch my daughter when I'm not around." He told em. "Oh okay." Mark said while licking his lips. Pay ran nd gave him a hug they've sorta grown attached to each other this past month.
" I'm not trying to be Rude, but we just came to speak before leaving." " where they going anyway ? pulla asked. He's became like my best friend in the process plus him and Leslie made it official so he's my bro two ways. "Well if you must know nosssey I'm taking London to mama b house for the weekend and pay to Leslie sisters for the weekend, giving myself a little break." I told him
"Well you got yourself some you time huh? Might as well let mayo take you out than ." He smirked this Nigga Think he slick he been trying set us up what seems like the longest. "Thats may decision, come on kids" I cut my eyes at MAYO to see him blushing... Oo he doesn't know what he does to me, ain't gone lie I want him, but I ain't even got him yet and hoes already on our case.
"Bye daddy" "bye may" the girls said. While heading out I heard Mark say "you better get her before I do, she's not your average type." Although I wanted to hear what was gonna be said I kept going instead...
After 30 minutes I dropped pay off, after I drop off London I'm gone me my girls at the mall. Not to long after we pulled up at mama b's house. Me and London walked up and I let her ring the door bell a few seconds later mama came to the door and greeted us with a hug.. "hey my beautiful ladies" "hey me ma, I want cookies," London said "hey ma you look good today" " oh Chile I look good everyday" she replied. I couldn't do none but laugh.
As we was walking in mama b asked me " so when you and my baby boy gone make it official?" I swear I'm not even surprised she asked me that, she been asking for the past week her and pulla stay on our case.
" ma'am we-"
" we're just friends. Yada yada I know I know, but I also see how y'all look at each other, the passion, the love, the desire to get closer to one another. Honey I'm old not dumb. I've never seen him look at someone the way he does you especially when you say his name he blushes like hell." She told me I must admit that made me feel some type of way to hear her say that.
"Well mama b I don't know what to say, I mean yeah I've Grown to him, but the females they do way to much , I can only imagine how it'll be when if we was to get together." I vented to her.
"Well baby girl, I know my son is handsome, he is single and has needs, I'm not saying go and have sex with him or nothing, all I'm saying is by him being single he is going to do what ever he wants to do, at least go out with him get to know each other but you can't judge based of his actions while being single. " she was right maybe in just scared.
" You know you're right, I can't argue with that period, but When it's our time it will happen it was nice talking to you thanks for everything, I have to get going , I'm meeting my friends at the mall." I told her.
"Alright baby you just remember everything I told ya okay.... LONDON!! She yelled.
"Yes mema?" London said while running in the kitchen. "Tell Ms.Diamond Here bye she'll be to get you Wednesday from your mom" " oo I didn't know she was going over there!" I told her. "Yeah I know but she been all in my ear talking about how she barely see her now that you've came in the picture Bit- that woman is a good mom but she ain't never really cared to see her unless I call her nd tell her London want her but don't tell my son he thinks she openly get her every chance. "
"Well your secrets are safe with me, bye Now, and bye Lon Lon I love you." "Bye Ma me love you more." Mama b looked up at me and smirked, I just shrugged my shoulders and gave her a hug. Before walking out mama b whispered "now that's a sign!" I just giggled and left.
"Girl that dress would be hella cute on you!" Leslie said. " You think So? it might be a bit to revealing." i told her . so what bitch we going out to find you a man, you need to loosen up any ways." says Lina. " i gue-"
"excuse me ma'am " i was cut off by this handsome and very charming white man. "sorry to interupt you all conversation, but i must say you are one beautiful young woman have you ever thought about modeling ?" he asked me " no sir but thank you very much also" " so how old are you hopefully i can give you an offer you wouldn't want to turn down... let's say i can make you an millionaire within one year with your looks alone."
"uhmm-" "girl you better take him up on that offer shid um just saying!" lina butted in. " well sir im 17 i will be 18 in like a month and a half or less." "well i tell you what darling here is my card call me as soon as you turn 18.. ill be waiting!" and with that he walked off.
....................,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,...,.,.,.,..,.,., I Know This Is Short but I know Y'all Been Waiting On An Update nd I Am Soooo Long Over Due Please Forgive Me! This Is Just Something To Post

Enough Is Enough
Fanfiction17 Years Old Diamond Sanchez Struggles To Help Raise Her 5yr Old Sister After Her Mother's Death Of Giving Birth, but With A Crack Head As A Father Who Likes To Beat and Touch On Her When Ever He's Had To Much To Smoke. When Will She Decide Enough I...