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Maybe because you manipulate me.

Maybe because you put me down.

Maybe because you keep telling me I'm never going to be good enough.

Maybe because you constantly convince me that I don't deserve anything.

Telling me over and over and over that I shouldn't think, just follow, never have opinions, be good at the things you want me to be good at, do do do do do everything you tell me to do, be perfect, be feminine, stop talking back, stop having free time because there's always more you want me to do, stop talking to friends because it, stop using apps you don't know, stop writing stories because you can't read them, stop pursuing hobbies because I'm not good enough, stop living my own life because I'm just a way for you to fulfill your dreams without you putting in effort.

Am I a person, or just a doll for you to parade around? Does my existence matter to you? Probably not. According to you, I don't even have rights.

I guess I'm less than a human just because I'm younger and genetically related to you. I won't leave your grasp until I die; what's the point of me being born then? You're just projecting onto me.

You ask me why I want things under my own name. I know. The moment I leave them unguarded, you will rush in to take them away. You'll hold them over my head until I do what you want. What's the point of "privileges" and "gifts" if they're not truly mine?

All this, and you wonder why I'm emotionally unstable. It's a miracle I even have emotions anymore.

The best part?

Whenever you're in a good mood, you decide to be nice to me, and force me to call you a good parent.

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